FMR Review Review
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Forum Moderator Review V3 was closed.
The Jmod closing it referred to this thread for additional concerns.,255,635,66224132
The problem? That thread no longer exists. Presumably hidden.
My request: Unhide the thread so that people can see the state of FMR and have additional context for the ability to review of moderator actions on forum help.
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15-Sep-2023 01:04:17
The thread in question was hidden way back in March-ish 2022 by Jagex.
It's not coming back as it's long gone.
Anyone now has any issues with Forum Moderation can ask via the Forum Help thread 1 question about the actions or in-actions of a report. It does work and works well. It's there to be used if needed.
Review threads are long gone and won't be coming back.
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15-Sep-2023 10:00:20
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