people! think back in time on youtube when rs was in its prime. who would you watch? runeshark? ability44? random ass pkers??? RSMV's?? bonbloc nightmarerh smokey9112 silentc0re to name a couple
add some vids you remember
this guy wasnt for everyone but fk me he entertained the fuck out of me
misinfo on youtube has killed hundreds of thousands of people now, and I dont know that I want to keep using youtube. I'd like it to be destroyed and replaced, not reformed.
game makers keeps flattering these reply boys too "so professional" and that word means theyre paid. theyre paid to play. by google. after 10k subs. felix (pdp. not a rs player) has 73m. oh yeah. its a paycheck. they dont mind using 5,000 watts for george foreman grill gpu and spending 5k ea 6 months when it burns up. theyre getting paid to do it.
the other 1 million plus of us... too often our parameters are ignored. I am not a professional gamer. I am a paying amateur enthusiast.
so... yeah, and... needs work. but mostly yeah. I remember when it all seemed like a better idea. circling the drain now.
my fav of all of em was runeshark by miles. that guy never never endorsed any third party stuff. very scrupulous. as moral/ethical as we were ever gonna get.
I have quit rsof because moderator found comments about darklight bonus damage on demons "off topic" for wildy flash mobs full of demons