Inspired by this video here:
(The last skill is a bit... questionable as it didn't make much sense smh)
Since this video is about Old School RS Skills, but all the skills there are also in RS3, minus Summoning, Dungeoneering, Divination, and Invention. However, I'm wondering what could resemble all 27 skills.
Summoning would be hard to bring about spirits and souls and charisma leading animals (debatable but sure).
Dungeoneering would involve visiting a cavern or discovering a hidden place somewhere else.
Divination would deal with memories and energies, so I guess going to the past (but Reisen, there are no memory springs or rifts IRL! But that's ok.) memories of other people and getting affection by hugging and/or kissing (the energy part lel), then channeling that (or the latter part might be better for prayer and magic xp?)... oh boy so many possibilities with this one lol).
Invention would be discovering more effective and efficient ways to do other things, or enhance current existing technology (pretty much what it says on the tin).
I know RS3 =/= IRL, but this is just something fun to think about.
Trimmed (Dec 2017)
MQC (Apr 2017)
Comp Cape (Apr 2014)
Max Cape (Oct 2012)
Quest Cape (Dec 2010)
25-Nov-2016 06:33:05
- Last edited on
25-Nov-2016 08:44:21
Ut Opus