This game is full of ridiculous obstacles that I cannot seem to overcome. I can usually look past a bush and see where I need to go but it will actually take me 20 minutes to arrive.
I understand most of it is because of clue scrolls. They need to be as bad as possible to keep players from enjoying it.
So in the name of balance, can Jagex at least consider SELLING shortcuts for GP? An obvious one for me is the Kharazi Jungle from Herblore Habitat. Jumping over that vine should be very expensive. But actually I want to go almost everywhere including up cliffs and over water.
I know most maxed players are broke, so I figured it would only be fair to post about this here. Jagex obviously won't be doing this on their own, after this many years.
So we probably need to bribe them by letting them erase some of our coins.
22-Oct-2021 18:36:45