Well, to do the math: 9B for that one. Bonds are ~19m for $6. Let's call it 475 bonds. That's ~$2850. Depends a lot by state, but let's be generous and say $10 minimum wage. That's 285 hours. Using Newb's implication that they aren't paying much outside of bonds, I'll dedicate 25% of their pay to other expenses (no, I won't bother with taxes and whatnot): so it'd take 380 hours to have money for other things plus bonds. Work 40 hours per week, adjust for the average length of a month being 30.4 days and not 4 square weeks and we'll round down a little: 170 hours per month. It'll take 2 months and a week while spending 25% of your 10/hr job to buy a purple phat. Spend your life that way for a year or 2 and you can get a set (did not really do the math on this one; just an offhand guess).
04-Dec-2017 21:51:01