I gotta start by highlighting an interesting disparity with regard to shared ideas of "public interest" between America and the UK. Its because your BBC emerges from the postal service and programs with a tilt toward "public interest" (nevermind mail twice a day) that there is no equivalent for in America. You guys have "neds" kicked out of school at 15, and we don't, but even they will have watched better TV, and will proceed differently to 'man on the street' surveys like this: A reporter asks people "whats the largest % of the air you breathe." Anyone in the UK would be ashamed of themselves, and of their friend, maybe even the whole country if your friend answered "oxygen." Any number of Americans would incorrectly answer "oxygen!" (the answer is nitrogen), and then not care at all when they were corrected, perhaps saying aloud "ah. who cares. I dont have to know." weird, hunh? test sometime. its true.
Okay so... we're slayin plants today, and there are a lot of plants to kill all of a sudden. I am scottish enough that I curse english gardeners maybe every day for bringing ragweed to america, and I have a funny life experience that UK people will understand, but maybe you have never done it.
You have to use
to clear thistle from livestock pastures. You cant use pesticides. For real. You carry bags of the bugs out and shake em out, and then you wait for them to eat all the seeds.
So... if y'all ever do a perk that gives you damage bonus on plants... I vote for something about weevils. Less so pesticide. You get it right? Thats a link/citation up there btw.
I have quit rsof because moderator found comments about darklight bonus damage on demons "off topic" for wildy flash mobs full of demons
nope. I previewed and didnt notice it lost my citation. here ya go.
I have quit rsof because moderator found comments about darklight bonus damage on demons "off topic" for wildy flash mobs full of demons