
Forum Restructure Thread is locked

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Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Forum restructure
Hi everyone,

I wanted to let you all know that the restructure of the forums is now complete.

You will notice some changes, which we have made with the intent of making these forums a fully engaging and interesting place to be. For a start we have closed the communities section which divided certain forums by ‘everyone’, ‘members’ and ‘members 1800+’. When we first introduced these communities we were swamped with people telling us they didn’t like it – so we changed a few things along the way.

Forum communities were quite valuable to us in the sense of being able to gauge feedback and discussion by different communities, but overall we felt it would be better to revert to forums that everyone can use and keep discussions going within one community.

We’ve also put some new forum groups in, so that things are hopefully a bit better organised – and we’ve expanded on sections such as Suggestions so that we can hear your views in more detail.

We’ve also been listening to the Events community – you guys were struggling with having decent homes for your regular events like wrestling, and people holding one off 99 celebrations (for example) were not sure if that was an event or not – that’s all been cleared up with a clearer Events structure.

The ever popular ‘Goals and Achievements’ forum is now back, and sits within a brand new ‘RuneScape - Community’ group where the massively popular ‘General’ forum also lives.

Another new forum group – ‘RuneScape – Game’ brings all the game forums together, here you’ll find things like ‘Skills’ and ‘Monsters’ – but with the added benefit of the anchor forums of Recent and Future Updates no longer being divided by community – but sitting in pride of place at the head of the group for the whole community to use.

In this forum structure change we’ve also listened to the ever-growing group of people who branch off and develop special interests within the game, so the new ‘RuneScape Specialist’ group is the place to discuss your aims and plans for your next 99, or seek out like minded players for team activities.

The clan forums are largely unchanged, but for consistency we’ve now included ‘Clan Introduction’ to your forum group – so all things ‘Clan’ in one place – makes sense!

In the new feedback section of our forums you can afford to be quite fussy about what you tell us – as we now divide feedback into ‘Existing Content’, ‘New Content’ and ‘Website and Forums’ – oh and if we haven’t covered your idea in any of those categories, there is also an ‘Other’ forum – so no suggestion should be missed.

The Marketplace section is unchanged, but we have moved things around a little – so the most popular Marketplace forums are now nearer the top of the group. You may also have noticed a new ‘lounge area’ – that’s where the chatty and creative forums live – ‘Off Topic’, ‘Stories’ and ‘Forum Games’.

There are 3 forums that are no longer in use, either because we have accommodated that discussion elsewhere or we don’t feel they add any value to the growing and vibrant forum community. However, we know you may have much loved and hard worked on threads in those forums – so you can find the ‘Dungeoneering Feedback’, ‘Rants’ and ‘Clans Website Feedback’ forums right at the bottom of your forum screen.

You can’t create new threads in those forums any longer, but you can grab your text and repost it in a more suitable forum. You need to be fairly quick on that though – as those 3 forums will be removed completely shortly after 19 June 2011.

Finally, we would like to say that the vast majority of these changes have been carried out in response to your requests and feedback – and the new structure makes it much easier to hear your voice, pass on your suggestions and grow the community. We know it may take a while to get used to where everything now is, but we do believe this is a firm building block for a stronger future community.

Of course we may have got a few things wrong, so if you notice any little mistakes such as stickys in the wrong place or forum rules that don’ t quite make sense – well do let us know. You can also tell us what you think about the forum changes and make suggestions if you wish – the best place to do all that? How about the brand new forum ‘Suggestions – Website and Forums’, we’ll be keeping a close eye on that forum over the coming days.

I would also like to say a massive 'thank you' for all your feedback and support - we really do appreciate it and we will continue to work with you to make these forums a fantastic home for the RuneScape community.

Thanks for reading,

Mod Stevew
RuneScape Community Management

16-Jun-2011 16:30:33 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2011 17:58:45 by Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Hi everyone,

Thanks for the feedback so far. I've seen a lot of people saying the feedback forums are too low down, and saying that Recent Updates and Future Updates should be higher up.

I've made a few more changes today based on that feedback - you guys rock, thank you!

OK - so -

+ Recent Updates is now in the Feedback Forum Group
+ Future Updates is now in the Feedback Forum Group
+ The whole Feedback forum group has been moved up so it now sits above the 'RuneScape - Community' forum group

I've also moved the 'Compliments' forum, you have told us that is isn't really a feedback forum and we agree - so it now lives in the new Lounge section.

Please keep your feedback coming!


17-Jun-2011 12:24:53

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