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Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

RuneScape Community Newsletter

The Gielinor Globe


Find out what's in store in this edition of the Gielinor Globe!
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This Month

Here's some advance information about what the coming month has in store.
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Find out all about the latest prize giveaways we've been offering.
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Clan Update

What are the latest goings-on from the clan community? Find out here! Read More

Clan Spotlight

Read a warring clan's account of a recent battle that lasted a full 24 hours!
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Player Submissions

Check out a poem and a short story set in the land of Gielinor.
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Jagex Social Networking

The latest news from Jagex's social networking pages!
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Forum Spotlight

Illuminating an interesting forum thread.
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Quiz Quest

Test your game knowledge and win Jagex prizes.
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Caption Competition

Check out the winning entry from the last caption competition!
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Who The Zamorak?

Use your brain to decipher the clues and figure out the identity of the mystery J-Mod!
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18-Apr-2011 17:47:42 - Last edited on 28-Apr-2011 16:37:32 by Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user


Welcome to the May edition of the Gielinor Globe, the RuneScape forums' very own monthly community newsletter.

The Year of Clans continues, and this month's newsletter has some more great clan content. Whether you're already in a clan or you are yet to join one, you should enjoy checking it out.

You can find out about the latest prize giveaways we have been running and learn about the latest goings-on on our Social Networking pages.

And finally, no newsletter would be complete without all the monthly features you've come to know and love. Player submissions, Quiz Quest, Caption Competition and Who The Zamorak? - you'll find them all here for your enjoyment.

Thanks for reading the Gielinor Globe, thanks for playing RuneScape, and remember -

Be excellent to each other and PARTY ON, DUDES!

Mod Jon H

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28-Apr-2011 16:37:48

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
:) :) :) :) :)

This Month

As you can't fail to have noticed, there is a Royal Wedding happening in London this week. To commemorate the happy marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton, we have released a number of special items into the game. You can visit Diango to obtain them. Here are a few teaser pictures:

Just over a year ago, we launched the Dungeoneering skill, which encourages the bravest of the brave to risk the sinister depths of Daemonheim.
To mark this massive skill's first anniversary, we have arranged a special Dungeoneering Week , featuring skilling workshops with experienced Dungeoneers, a Q&A session with Mod Mark and much more.
Check out the Dungeoneering Week forum thread for all the info about how to take part.

We have also been running a series of Guaranteed Content Polls to ask the community which non-repeatable bosses and NPCs you would like to see making a return appearance. Check out the latest poll and let us know your thoughts!

There are also some other surprises coming this month - but I can't spoil them here so you'll have to be patient! ;)
Mod Jon H

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28-Apr-2011 16:37:59 - Last edited on 28-Apr-2011 16:48:05 by Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
:) :) :) :) :)

Competition Update

April 23 was St George's Day, commemorating the patron saint of England.
Legend has it that St George slew a dragon - so to mark the occasion, we asked you to guess how many Green Dragons would be killed in RuneScape on that weekend.
The total number of Green Dragons slain was 2,336,268 . Congratulations to AJ GibsonSG who had the closest guess with 2,344,266 . AJ wins a RuneScape goody bag!

April also saw the release of this year's Easter holiday event . Since it featured special Evil Trees, we decided it would be good to run an Evil Tree killing competition - the Easter Treepocalypse !
Prizes were awarded to the single player who killed the most trees each day of the holiday weekend, to a randomly-chosen player out of everyone who killed at least 15 trees, and to the player who guessed closest to the final number of Easter Evil Trees that were killed.
Congratulations to Nick Narnia, Sli11erlvl99, Mangzon, Hawk1056, Ecco27, Camo Candy, Pikachao7, Kanes Squire and Wch666 , who were all winners and will be receiving a selection of RuneScape prizes!

We're always coming up with new competition ideas so keep checking out the Community Home forum regularly!
Mod Scorpion

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28-Apr-2011 16:38:14

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
:) :) :)

Clan Update

What a month! The clan updates, the start of an Official Skilling Ladder and now the rated Clan Wars tournament! It's all 'go go go' for clans this year.
The clan updates have been a huge success with around 100,000 clans created so far and over 670,000 players involved. Much of the credit for this can be attributed to one hardworking man, without whom this clan update could not work: Amos Twinly, the Clan Scribe .

Providing 24-hour support so that players can form clans suited to their game play, and also keeping the local tea trade going, he truly is a man to look up to. If you haven't yet paid him a visit, or you aren't yet part of a clan, it is well worth doing so. There are bound to be other players with the same interests in-game as you, whether that's killing cows, creating clockwork cats or anything in between.
If you aren't keen on forming and being responsible for your own clan, don't panic! There are huge numbers of clans already in-game. Around 100,000, in fact - did we mention that already? ;)
All you need to do is head over to the Clans section of the website. The Clan Hiscores show some of the top clans around but you can also use the search functions if you have a particular clan or interest in mind.
For example I personally am interested in the Fishing Trawler, so I would use the search options and choose 'keywords'. I then select 'Fishing Trawler' from the list and it brings up all of the clans that share this interest. Huzzah - whole clans of minions to run my boat!
It isn’t all about the latest updates though. We’ve launched the official RuneScape skilling ladder and the rated Clan Wars tournament . If you're part of a clan then this is an opportunity to show the rest of RuneScape what you're made of, through the challenges of a relaxing afternoon fishing or taking part in defending your clan's honour on the battle field. Click on the links to each thread for more information.
There are exciting times ahead as well, with so much to look forward to. Not to give too much away but there will be some interesting challenges coming for players and clans with rewards you won't want to miss out on! Keep an eye out for news. :D
Mod Kathy
RuneScape Clan Support


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28-Apr-2011 16:38:40 - Last edited on 28-Apr-2011 17:55:16 by Mod Kathy

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Clan Spotlight

Each month we will be using this section to showcase original writing from the clan community.

This month's Spotlight is shining on a piece by The Titans . It is their writeup of their recent 24-hour run-in with Divine Forces .

The Titans vs Divine Forces

(article originally posted by Polska )
Thinking we were going to have the weekend off, Divine Forces (DF) approached us for some sort of fight. It went back and forth between a Saturday/Sunday, uncapped/capped fight, etc. It was finally decided that an uncapped PKRI would occur even with only a 1 1/2 day prep and with multiple declines from them already. Knowing the history of the rivalry and the 3 recent wins over DF, we knew it was going to be one for the record books.
* Uncapped PKRI
TT yellow, DF purple - No cape switching
Dangerous fight world
15 snipers first hour, 20 the second, uncapped after
Spiders to New Gate
Corrupt allowed
Clear crashers
TT starting: 240
DF starting: 280 (confirmed)
I don't feel like getting into a long summary of the fight, so I'll throw down the basics. Fight began on Saturday the 2nd April, 4:30 EST / 9:30 GMT and ended 24 hours later on Sunday the 3rd. Everything you've experienced in any fight during your RuneScape career was witnessed and both clans battled it out for a day straight. We had sightings of the retired and legendary of Titans past who showed up to fight and even call portions with the hate towards DF. Through having VR crash us in an attempt to get a main pile going again, mass logins, regroups at EoS Castle.. we knew it wasn't over until we had cleared every last one of them. We never went above 30 snipers and never dropped below 70 active members taking part. That day, RuneScape was played and thank you and your welcome to everyone that witnessed history. Both clans had their ups and downs and with being such a heated fight, I had a lot of fun and not ashamed of the time and effort put into this.
TT ending: 290 immediate, 306 final
DF ending: 0 (240 confirmed by CheyneyC^)
Thanks for all the clans that AC'd during the duration of the fight IE; RoT/Solace/Gladz/Exo/CoR/TR/PH/Coll/CL/CoR and anyone else that came along for the ride. Props to the most dedicated and hardcore members in the game, all those who stayed the entirety of the fight, all the new born babies that were brought into the world, all the energy drinks/snacks that were consumed and finally, Bishinmo for predicting and participating in the most memorable and important fight in TT history.
84 kills, 42 deaths.

:) :) :) :) :)

If you would like to submit a piece to be considered for the Clan Spotlight section, please feel free to email it to us at . We can't promise to use every submission but we do read all of them. We look forward to receiving your contributions!

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28-Apr-2011 16:38:49

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
:) :) :) :) :)

Player Submissions

Every month, we invite players to submit their own original works for inclusion in the newsletter.
We begin with a submission described by the author as "A poem expressing the over dramatic decisions I go through when trying to decide what to do on Runescape."

Where Do I Go From Here?

by Arturo000

Fathoms of the sea, shall not tell me,
The deepest depths of the ocean,
Just as acres of trees, cannot show me,
The vast expanse of a forest.
The unknowing feeling, all around,
The darkness and hatred,
Of something I cannot see,
The cheers, or hate, to choose of me.
To know which or where,
I should go, to the depths of the abyss,
Or wondrous plains and provinces,
How can I decide where my heart lies?
On one hand is power and fortune,
The other lies love and joy,
Which behold the greatest sanctity,
Which controls this desire of mine?
To bestow time, or to waste?
To save, or to spend?
To whither, or to thrive?
To live, or to die?
Should I spend wisely this time,
So gratefully given to me?
Or simply bask in this luxury,
Privy, tell me where to be.
Too much to choose from, there be,
Such a great vary,
Of this which do call me,
But why can't it just be?
There could be joys of combat,
Rural or perhaps even urban skills,
Which people so happily lay themselves upon,
The wilderness calls, yet so does,
My love for adventure.
I cannot choose, where to go from here,
Should it be agility, fishing,
Or perhaps even slayer? What to acquire?
Then it hits me cold and hard,
Time to attain my first cape of fire!

And we continue with this short story of betrayal in the Fremennik lands:


by CannedNoob97
Down here for hours, the word still echoed through my head. Those hellhounds threw me down in here and left me with no food, water or weapons. I was trapped in a dark, freezing, small underworld with no way out. My hand released its grip on my head and touched the frozen stone ground.
My life flashed before my eyes, which was a surprise, as I thought I would forget it from all of this fear. My name is Zach, and I am... well, was... a Fremennik warrior. My ghost skin matched the snow of the surface. I also had brown hair and blue eyes, the color of blueberries. And for some reason, I could not remember any more, as my world flashed back into hours ago.
My bloodshot eyes burst open and saw the past.
I hacked away at a straw dummy, which was beaten after soldiers have attacked it. I was attacking the dummy alone, although there were more of these attack toys set up throughout a room underneath a tarp. I was alone since I was the only one held back from guarding Daemonheim from an invasion, and I was told to kill anyone who got by. I was merely passing the time by practicing.
All of a sudden, three generals appeared behind me. They were wearing what I was - leather, Fremennikian armor, with a sword sheath by their sides. All three generals looked at me with the same look, their eyebrows curved to a scowl.
I stopped attacking the dummy and stared. "Shouldn't you be helping support the forces out front?"
"Shouldn't you be standing guard?" one asked.
I opened my mouth, but quickly closed it again. Something told me that I shouldn't say that I'm passing the time. I thought of a better thing to say. "I'm only practicing until they get there."
"Yeah..." another general mused. "But, how about we take this job off your hands?"
I frowned. "But you can't do that, sir. I need to guard here."
"Oh," the general said, fast walking towards me with a wicked grin. "Yes we can."
He unsheathed his sword and swung it across my neck, but I was able to duck and roll to the side. I looked up only to see two boots slam against my face. I flew back and screamed in pain. The training site was on a small hill, so I instantly started rolling down. I looked up at the generals, the other two unsheathing their swords.
I turned around to run, and stared straight into the face of another general. He grabbed my arms, followed by the other generals once they got down the hill.
No matter how much I struggled, I couldn't break free. They sent me to a trapdoor, swung the door open and threw me down to the underworld. They swung the door closed as swiftly as they opened it.
So here I am, alone, feeling nothing but sorrow, hate, fear and just the feeling of being...

If you would like to submit a piece of original writing to be considered for the newsletter, please feel free to email it to us at . We can't promise to use every submission but we do read all of them. We look forward to receiving your contributions!

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28-Apr-2011 16:39:07

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Jagex Social Networking

If you are a regular user of social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or DeviantArt, then come and join us on those sites! Not only do we post the hottest RuneScape news there, but we also offer exclusive preview pictures of upcoming updates, run entertaining quizzes and competitions , carry out live Q&A sessions , and much more.
April saw us pass another massive Facebook milestone - this is the month when we exceeded 400,000 followers for the first time! Thank you all for liking our page and encouraging your friends to do the same. Let's see how quickly we can hit half a million followers! (There might even be prizes nearer the time...)

Those of you who have been keeping up with our forum clan the Pink Patrons of Pain will know that the inimitable Mod Poppy has handed over the reins of command to the players. She and the other J-Mods will remain as non-executive chairpersons, but will no longer be actively leading the clan. Check out the official announcement on Facebook: P.P.o.P. - Final Sign Off
As always, keep visiting our Social Networking pages regularly to keep up with all the latest news, competitions and general Jagex gossip!
Mod Leeny and Mod Scorpion

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28-Apr-2011 16:39:16

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
:) :) :) :) :)

Forum Spotlight

In this new section, we will be showcasing a different noteworthy forum thread each month.
This month's featured thread is by Mod Jack , one of RuneScape's game engine developers. This is another one that will be of special interest to clan members - but if you're not currently in a clan you should still check it out anyway. Maybe it will pique your interest!
Mod Jack was involved in creating Rated Clan Wars and the Clan Hiscores. He has recently posted a Developer Blog about this process, and he has made the following thread for your comments and questions.

Quick find code: 198-199-20-62640987
Home > RuneScape Forums > Developer Blogs > Blog: Wars and Scores

Why not check it out and join in the discussion?
Tune in next month when we will be illuminating another thread with the Forum Spotlight.

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28-Apr-2011 16:39:28

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Quiz Quest

Each month, the Quiz Quest tests your knowledge about the RuneScape world. There are prizes for five winning entries and we hope that you all enjoy hunting for the answer.
Thank you to all of you who entered the April Quiz Quest competition!
The correct answer to last month's Quiz Quest was RuneScape Dinasty . Well done to those of you who got it right!
(A note on the answer: we also accepted anything that was obviously referring to the same clan. For example some of you spelled your entry "Dynasty", some of you said "RSD", and so on. Those answers were still accepted.)
This month, congratulations go to *drum roll*... Slaut0 , whose entry was the first one to be selected. We are delighted to give him three months' complimentary membership to RuneScape and a RuneScape mouse mat signed by Mark Gerhard and a selection of other J Mods.
The following four players are the runners up, each winning one month of RuneScape membership:

  • Chire

  • Matty McG

  • Derek Booker

  • Crasher Est

We choose the winners at random, so if you didn't win this time, try again!

This month's Quiz Quest:

How many vexillum stands are in the Clan Camp?

Once you have the answer, post it on the May Quiz Quest thread or send it to us by email at - and if you could include the words 'quiz quest' in your subject header it will really help us to spot your email! If you are under 13, please ask a parent or guardian to send your entry in on your behalf, from their contact email address.
Please remember to let us know your RuneScape account name with your answer, if you submit by email - that way we will know who should be rewarded for their fact-finding power!
The competition will close on Friday 20th May 2011 - so get your answer in as soon as you can.
The winner will receive a complimentary 3 months' membership to RuneScape and a RuneScape mouse mat signed by Mark Gerhard and a selection of other J-Mods.
The four runners-up will receive one month's RuneScape membership.
All winners will have their names posted in the next edition of the Gielinor Globe!
So, good luck finding out the answer!

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28-Apr-2011 16:39:36

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