As you will have read in our news, we’ve got some fantastic new T-shirts on sale in the Jagex Store. They’re inspired by the clan logos and were designed in a secret bunker by specially trained design monkeys. You can see them here
They’re limited edition only, so time is of the essence if you’re looking to get your hands on one.

Feedback Pl0x
As these were designed by monkeys created just for your clothing pleasure, we’re keen to hear what you think. Do you want more? What’s your favourite? Are opposable thumbs all they’re made out to be? Let us know and post your feedback here.
Bought the T-shirt? Now get phree stoof!
Yep, in what can only be described as a moment of madness, we’re offering to send a
as a reward to anyone who sends us an entertaining photo of you enjoying your new T-shirt! Wear it, take it out for a drink, take it on holiday or have your dog wear it while juggling hammers, it’s up to you. We’re fairly easy to entertain I can assure you.
Send your photo and postal address to [email protected] ensuring that the email has "Phree Stoof" in the title otherwise you will NOT receive your gift pack! As ever, if you’re 13 or under, check the T&Cs first and make sure you get your parent’s permission!
Bought the T-shirt, sent the photo and still want more?
Of course you do! Pop over to the download section and bag yourself a T-shirt for your computer... well okay, it’s a wallpaper, but in the computer world, that’s close enough for me.

If after all that, you’re still hungry for more consumer love, set the secret design monkeys a challenge and we’ll start training them up. Bananas anyone?
- M o d S c o r p i o n -
Competitions Lead & Social Networking Curator
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15-Mar-2011 12:51:42 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2011 10:27:08 by Mod Scorpion