J-mod misery?

If you’re looking forward to the return of Free Trade and the Wilderness on February 1st, you’ll be glad to see that we've found an awesome way to celebrate that fact. We’re getting camouflage make-up, learning how to skin rabbits and finding groups of violent types to hang about with. We’re also suspending skulls and crossbones above our heads to get that proper pwnage vibe going.
We don’t want to hog all the fun though and want you to show your love of all things Wilderness by changing your Facebook profile picture to this lovingly crafted Wilderness Skull and Crossbones.

Sure, your non-RS mates might think you’re either a pirate or deceased but that’s a small price to pay for showing your support for the Wilderness!
“What’s the incentive!?” I hear you cry. How about potential J-mod misery? Yes, if 1000 of you change your profile picture, we’ll send a J-mod of your choice into the IRL Wilderness for the night. If 2000 of you change your picture, your chosen J-mod will find themselves surviving on pigeon spit and rats for a second night. 3000? Yep, 3 nights etc. And don’t worry, we’ll show you full proof here first.
So post on Facebook HERE with your updated profile picture telling us which J-mod should be living under the stars this winter and we’ll make that happen for you.
You can simply go to the voting page by clicking on the picture!

30-Jan-2011 15:50:45 - Last edited on 30-Jan-2011 16:26:05 by Mod Edu