53rd Player Gallery - Goebie Planet
We've had some amazing entries this month. I hope you enjoy them as much as we did.
1st place goes to Zent1ence for this beautiful piece "Chantli Breeze" .

2nd place goes Arthur II for a piece titled "Voice of the Past" .

3rd place this month goes to Angels 57 for a piece titled "Sand Blasted" . The team especially loved the Goebies with spades in their hands.

As always, we have an extremely talented community and we can't help but show off some more of the entries.
Don't worry, if you're entry isn't shown this time when the Player Gallery is back up on the wiki (and able to be edited) we'll be sure to share all the entries.

Ayon -
Nemi Forest
Once Upon A Time
Legend Arts -
My Goebie
The Great Temple of Yakamaru
The next Player Gallery competition will be announced in a couple of weeks time. We'll make sure it's on the News Post and we'll post a link on social media/Reddit to make sure more people take a look at the competition on the forums .

Well done to everyone that has taken part, we love seeing your designs and creativity. Winners will be contacted in the next few days.
For now, happy 'Scaping!

Marketing Campaign Executive
26-Aug-2015 18:13:28