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Mod Kat

Mod Kat

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RuneScape Community Newsletter

The Gielinor Globe

Competitions Update

Mod Paul M takes us behind the scenes of our new, monkey-related competitions. Have a banana!
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A Platebody

Get in the festive spirit with this alternative holiday carol for pkers
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Lady Phalanx

The chase is on, but who is doing the chasing?
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December Quiz Quest

Jagex goodies are up for grabs in this RuneScape competition, designed to get you thinking.
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15-Nov-2010 21:27:57 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2010 14:46:26 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user


Welcome to the December edition of the Gielinor Globe, the RuneScape forums' very own monthly community newsletter.
It's mighty chilly in Cambridge right now; it is so cold that Mod French's headphones have frozen onto his head! We need something to keep our spirits up and this month's Gielinor Globe should do the trick.
If you can read over the sound of your teeth chattering and the snow beating against your window, make sure you enjoy the toasty heat of our monkey-themed competitions update, and our fighting fit clan update. Warm your hands in the glow from our latest Quiz Quest and the results of last month's Caption Competition too.
Put on your snuggie and read on...
Mod Kat
RuneScape Community Management
Don't forget! If you register an email address for your account, you can get ten extra F2P bank spaces. Head here to register your email address now.

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15-Nov-2010 21:28:49 - Last edited on 25-Nov-2010 16:59:41 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

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Do No Evil

Two of RuneScape’s most popular quest series collide in Do No Evil, a master quest in which you’ll set up a monkey colony in the Kharidian Desert. Succeed in helping out the primate pranksters to earn some juicy experience, a cram-tastic item, and a cheeky new place to visit.
Think of the Ape Atoll monkeys and what comes to mind? The food-fixated King Awowogei? The three wise monkeys and their pranks? Being slapped around by ninja monkeys? Whatever you remember of the Atoll, it’s likely to feature in our new master quest, Do No Evil!
That’s not to say that you’ll be monkeying around in the same way as before; technically, Do No Evil is a desert quest that just happens to involve apes. So, what will result when you throw a monkey wrench into the serious and sombre workings of the desert? Finding out is only half the fun, as you monkey see, monkey do your best to help set up a simian colony among the sandy dunes.
Mod Kat
RuneScape Community Management

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15-Nov-2010 21:29:30 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2010 16:03:24 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
:) :) :) :) :)

Competition Update: Making a Monkey

We've recently launched two new competitions; last week saw the launch of the Monkey Voice Acting Competition and today (if not today then consider this a sneak preview!), the RuneScape Gods Exposed Movie Poster Competition. It’s been great fun and the entries we’ve had so far have been amazing. It’s not all fun though, oh no, plenty of hard graft goes into... actually, who am trying to kid? It’s been a laugh from start to finish, to be honest. I mean really, you know it’s going to be a decent Friday when the first job of the day is to listen to 300 people telling you not to “ever speak about my bananas” in comedy monkey-like voices.
Before we get to the point where we’re fighting over what sounds better, an Al Pacino gangster-styled monkey or a Shakespearean chimp there is a bit of set up involved. From Hohbein and I sitting in a room talking rubbish to where we are today (at the time of writing the voice acting competition has been launched for 24 hours and we’ve had well over 400 entries and about 35k views of the launch video on YouTube ), here’s a quick summary of how we put the competition together.
Listening to you guys literally monkeying around this morning resulted from us thinking about what competitions we could run in the lead up to Christmas. What would make us both laugh? Christmas Card competition using only your feet? ...No. Inappropriate lyrics to Christmas carols? No, best not. Hmm... monkey tennis? No, we’re doing that later next year... Some voice acting for YouTube? Fantastic!
We had to decide how to run it and who could help us. Well, Cam (tehnoobshow) has been a friend of Community Management ever since we hooked up for the first machinima contest and with the new Gods Exposed video on the way, we concluded pretty quickly that we should get together again.
Next we thought about the competition set-up itself. We want to make competitions that require some sort of skill/talent but equally, are fun and accessible. That’s how, together with Cam, we concluded that the best voice to act was... a monkey! The previous character we had in mind was a chap with a beard. As that would have needed lady participants to man-up considerably to get the suitably gruff voice, we had another a think and yep... monkey it was!
Coming up with the rules wasn’t hard, we just needed to make them simple to follow and make sure that entries are manageable for judging. We had to consider that 1000 monkey voices in a day could drive us actually insane if each one was too long.
Oh wow, I’ve written much more than I intended so I better wrap this up! Finally, we needed to think about how to promote the competition. After tehnoobshow did such a great job with 'Gonthorian Announces' for the first machinima contest, we turned to him again. We grabbed Paul Gower, recorded him banging on about bananas and got the recording off to Cam who, in about a day, put him in the video and got it back to us. You can see pictures of Paul doing the monkey on our Facebook page . Writing up the news post took about an hour (yep, my stupid fingers kept hitting the wrong buttons!), which Mod Kat then got translated into ...some languages and shazaam, job done, competition launched!
The competition still has a couple of weeks to run and if you’re not able to get to a microphone, there’s the spin-off movie poster competition to enter. If you have a good idea for a competition (or you’d like to work with us on one) then send an email to [email protected] and let us know. After all, we’re always looking for an excuse to have a fun Friday.
Mod Paul M
RuneScape Community Management

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15-Nov-2010 21:30:13 - Last edited on 26-Nov-2010 17:11:34 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

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:) :) :) :) :)

Clan Update

A lot has been going on in Clan Support over the last month so we wanted to give you an idea of what we have been getting up to. As with the last update we provided, there is information we can’t give out as neither of us are willing to leave the nice warm office to hunt you all down and kill you, plus it isn’t the best thing to do for PR. So without further ado, here is an update on the latest projects we’ve been working on within Community Management.
As always we are trying to find ways to get you all killed (in-game of course), our latest plans have coincided with The International Fight Knights tournament and the Gielinor Crusades.
For the first time there is a clan section of The Fight Knights tournament. Clans get to align themselves with and fight for their supported community. To make sure that there is plenty of opportunity for mayhem and madness the matches can be organised between any clans and can be fought in F2P or P2P. To find out more or to sign up go to the Fight Knight Clans thread.
The Gielinor Crusades also gives clans a chance for glory and fame. It all began with an empty biscuit tin and has escalated to a Battle Royale between the J-mods and their supporters. All J-mods taking part are looking for clans to help establish bragging rights over many locations in Gielinor. The event also includes a leader board listing the top clans taking part. I’m sure all of you are eager to flock to the banner of the most worthy J-mod, dare I Information about the teams and what they represent can be found in The Gielinor Crusades thread.
This is just a small part of what we are working on for the clan community. We are also making plans for events and tournaments, ways to improve support and general improvements for the clan community. Keep an eye out, there are exciting times ahead!
Mod Kathy and Mod Timbo
RuneScape Community Management

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15-Nov-2010 21:31:14 - Last edited on 25-Nov-2010 16:24:26 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

A Platebody

Christmas to a Pker
I'm running through the wildy,
Rune arrows stuck in my back,
As I look behind me I see
Level 130s on the attack!
I take a look behind me,
More of them are coming,
I better stop this singing,
And focus more on running!
Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells,
It'll be quite a story,
To get out of this hell hole,
With 50m in my inventory!
I'm at level 10 wildy,
Only a few more feet to go,
All of a sudden I get bound
OMG, oh no!
Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells,
It'll be quite a story,
To get out of this hell hole,
With 50m in my inventory!
"Tank it out", I scream,
With a prayer above my head,
Oh my... Are those dragon claws?
"Oh dear, you are dead!"
Happy holidays!
A Platebody

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15-Nov-2010 21:32:25 - Last edited on 26-Nov-2010 15:35:48 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
:) :) :) :) :)

Lady Phalanx

Six remained alive.

Five male recruits, the latter a female general. Exhausted and bloodied, they ran through the underground TzHaar city like harpies fresh out of hell.

At the moment, they’d settle for hell.

“They’re on our heels, Abigail!”, a recruit shouted to his general.

“This way!”, she panted. The group sprinted down the brightly lit corridor. The patterns on the ground resembled brain-matter to Abigail, giving off a brilliant yellow. The universal light source throughout the city worked in her pursuers’ favour.

The hooded figures were fleet footed, forcing the party to quicken their pace. Abigail took a glance back. Something caught her footing; she went down.

The group proceeded, only one noticed her falling. “Go! Hurry!”, she urged.

The icy daggers of dread sank in her empty stomach. She found herself alone – very alone – and a prone target to a group of mages. She swallowed hard and silently prayed to Saradomin, her faithful deity.

A magical attack struck her, igniting a slight headache, but nothing more. She closed her eyes, praying harder to deflect the magic. She dug into her chainmail vest for a small stone. The fear that clawed into her stomach heightened when she couldn’t find it. The injuries she sustained earlier only accentuated her desperation. Her veins were hot like lava, head throbbing, vision blurred. Her tortured limbs were bathing in a sea of misery.

She stood up with giddy reluctance, accepting death. The stone she sought was floating between her and the band of mages. What appeared to be the leader, hooded in a mail coif and chainmail robe, stretched out his hand in a cat-like manner.

“Amusing, why didn’t you use this earlier?”, he asked.

She recognized the voice, but was not certain who it belonged to.

“I wouldn’t leave my band behind,” she spat.

He laughed mirthlessly. “They left you behind and Saradomin seems to have failed you as well, alas.” The goading hit something in her. Perhaps Saradomin did fail; her prayers were ineffective in resisting the magic.

He quietly motioned his group of mages past her, down the long corridor to catch the rest of her team. The leader and Abigail faced each other alone. She drew her leaf-bladed long sword.

“Not smart.”

He concentrated on his magic, his arcane stream necklace glowing. “The arcane stream runs smoothly, like a river.”, he said with a laugh. “You cannot resist.”

“Who are you?”

“You’ll have plenty of time to think about that in solitary confinement… just before I incinerate your bloody corpse.”

“Wait, I know you!”. Recognition hit her like a blow to the head, and her eyes watered. He raised his hand to attack her again, and from a good distance. She prayed again, and made a leap. Her long sword slashed the stone in place. A clunking noise; the impact jarred her arm.

She felt her body sink into the ground, teleporting away.

Materialised in the city of Varrock, she wept.
Lady Phalanx

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15-Nov-2010 21:33:38 - Last edited on 21-Nov-2010 15:54:43 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

December Quiz Quest & November's Winners

This competition tests just how much you know about the RuneScape world. There are prizes for five winning entries and we hope that you all enjoy hunting for the answer. Thank you to all of you who entered the November Quiz Quest competition; we have selected the winning players from hundreds of entrants.
The correct answer to last month's Quiz Quest was 'Marmaros' . Well done to those of you who got it right!
This month, congratulations go to *drum roll* MC_NOOB_666 who was the first winner to be selected. We are delighted to give MC_NOOB_666 complimentary 3 months' membership to RuneScape and a RuneScape mouse mat signed by Mark Gerhard and a selection of other J Mods.
The following four players are the runners up, winning one month of RuneScape membership:

  • Magdalinaltd

  • Bretok

  • Doomman567

  • DragonNinjaG

We choose the winners at random, so if you didn't win this time, try again with this month's Quiz Quest...
This month's Quiz Quest:

What sort of armour does the Wise Old Man keep in his house?

Once you have the answer, post it on this thread or send it to us by email at [email protected] - and if you could include the words 'quiz quest' in your subject header it will really help us to spot your suggestion! If you are under 13, please ask a parent or guardian to send your entry in on your behalf, from their contact email address.
Please remember to let us know your RuneScape account name with your answer, if you submit by email - that way we will know who should be rewarded for their fact-finding power!
The competition will close promptly at 10:00 UK time on Friday 17th December 2010 - so get your answer in as soon as you can.
The winner will receive a complimentary 3 months' membership to RuneScape and a RuneScape mouse mat signed by Mark Gerhard and a selection of other J Mods.
The four runners-up will receive one month's RuneScape membership.
All winners will have their names posted in the next edition of the Gielinor Globe!
So, good luck finding out the answer!

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15-Nov-2010 21:36:04 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2010 14:58:37 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

November's Caption Competition Winners

Last month's photo was from a Player Support university placement outing to the races. We asked you to imagine what was going on, and you came up with some fantastic captions.
This month, congratulations go to *drum roll* Pirate Bob8 whose entry made all of us giggle for quite some time. We are delighted to give Pirate Bob8 complimentary 2 months' membership to RuneScape and a RuneScape mouse mat signed by Mark Gerhard and a selection of other J Mods.
Our awesome runner up was MoltoForza who receives one month's RuneScape membership.
Here are the winners, and the 'best of the rest' captions -

"Two skillers... clearly not on home ground here." - Pirate Bob8

Awesome Runner-up
"Nothing interesting happens." - MoltoForza

Notable Mentions:
“My other Jagex shirt is trimmed.” - Faux Fox Pas
"Jatizso. Neitiznot. Jatizso! Neitiznot! JATIZSO! NEITIZNOT!" - Volo
“The TzHa-arm Fight Pit!” - MEMENT0M0R1
“How the Assist System works.” - Miny
"It doesn't get more romantic than proposing by jumbo-tron." - 1d1y
"They've been here for three hours! Winner buys lunch.. What a silly bet." - lmmortal Me
"Did you wash that Herblore off your hands?" - Judging Dice

"Two skillers... clearly not on home ground here."

December's Caption Competition is now open! Head here to see the new image and post your caption. Better get those puns warmed up!

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15-Nov-2010 21:38:25 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2010 14:59:27 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Who the Zamorak?

Last month's 'Who the Zamorak?' was all about one of the newest additions to the Community Management team, Mod Lewis R! Well done to those of you who guessed correctly.
This month we have 10 more strange-but-true clues to the identity of a mystery J Mod. We can't wait to see your guesses.
All the clues are true (and ever so slightly odd), but that is half the fun. So put your thinking caps on and unravel the mystery – answer next month!
  • Body waxing has no effect on me

  • I once changed the border of a country

  • Dwarves are my favourite wargaming army

  • I hate zombies

  • I have a tattoo in a private place

  • My cat is called Fluffy

  • Beetroot is the food of the devil

  • I fell in love with Princess Leia when I was four

  • I am a founding member of WOPRS – The Waterbeach Occult and Paranormal Research Society

  • I once worked in a travelling carnival in the US

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15-Nov-2010 21:40:15 - Last edited on 24-Nov-2010 16:46:52 by Mod Kat

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