I’m Mod Jon and have just started in the Community Manager team today (achievement unlocked!)! I’ve been around at Jagex for the best part of two years, and worked on the French version of RuneScape as a linguistic tester until… well… today! As such some of you may recognise me from posting in the French forums or from seeing me around in game, proudly sporting my red party hat
I’ve only been playing RuneScape for a couple of years, and my highest level on my personal account is 70, and although because of this some of you may be inclined to call me a Noob, I prefer to think of myself as a “Comp cape owner in training”.
It feels like I started gaming even before I was able to walk and dare not even count the number of goblins I’ve killed, space ships I’ve driven or secret bases I’ve infiltrated with a controller in my hands.
Asides from gaming though, I’m very much into writing (although I only started quite recently) and love playing guitar, drums and singing. I also love drinking tea…tea is good!
I’m very excited to be part of the Community Team and look forward to chatting with you guys soon.
(ps: I’m also on twitter if you fancy following me: @JagexJon)
Mod Jon
Livestream & Video Producer
- @JagexJon
| Tea | Scape | Sleep | Repeat |