Community Chronicle 20/03
Welcome to the latest Community Chronicle. Every fortnight, we round up the most exciting, art, videos - and more - fresh from the RuneScape community!
These past few weeks have been hectic for us here at Jagex Castle, with Jagex attending the BAFTAs down in London, Mod BohoJoJo taking over RuneRadio, exciting new podcasts and loads more. It’s time to recap what’s happened and explore what’s coming up!
In Game
Stevie5646 - one of our Player Moderators - is having a trimmed completionist cape party on the 22nd March at 2PM GMT on world 71 at Varrock Square. Make sure you pop down and celebrate this grand achievement with Stevie5646 and jump into the ‘RS Outreach’ friends chat too!
Accomplishes is also throwing an event where he’ll be giving out 40M GP to the first forum poster who guesses a number that he’s randomly chosen between 1 and 1,000 - all in celebration of his 40,000th forum post! Simply post your guess here to be in with a chance of winning!
What to Watch
Our friend ScapeSkill went slaying celestial dragons for an hour and posted up his loot on YouTube. Check out his video here:
TheSirMikkel has created a fanmade trailer for RuneScape. We love it here in the office, and we’re sure you will too! View it here:
Want more video madness? Watch Skyzah’s latest video, where a tree goes on a crazy adventure:
Prefer to watch your RuneScape videos live? Then check out our official Twitch channel, found here , where you’ll be able to view the stream schedule and contact details for our live streaming team.
Do you use the official RuneScape forums? If not, why not? We’ve got a shiny new Welcome forum where you can find out everything you need to know, from categories, locations and forum moderators. it’s a great place to start your forum adventure, so get involved and start posting today !
Fan Sites
Lunagang, an amazing fan site based in the Netherlands, is hosting a Killing Kree'Arra event. They hope to get some great drops, and the event promises to be a lot of fun! Prepare yourself ready for the 21st of March at 7PM GMT and join the friends chat ‘Boss LTF’ to find out the world on the night. More information can be found here .
CrusadersScape is getting ready for the RuneScape Gathering, and has a thread dedicated to the event where they’re collecting your RuneScape images. Find out how you can take part here .
Podcasts & RuneRadio
Our podcasts are well and truly back, with regular weekly uploads featuring your favourite JMods talking about all things RuneScape. There’s banter, verbal clashes, questions, answers, discussion and more, and you really don’t want to miss out. So, bookmark our PodBean page and check back regularly, so you never miss an episode! Alternatively, you can subscribe to our podcasts via iTunes !
Keeping in tune with audio-related news, Mod Jack will be featuring on RuneZone’s RuneRadio today - Thursday the 20th of March - at 16:00 GMT. He’ll be playing his favourite tunes while answering your questions live, so be sure to tune in!
Thanks for reading! If you have anything you’d like us to include in the next Community Chronicle, then please e-mail us at [email protected] !
The RuneScape Community Team

20-Mar-2014 08:52:56 - Last edited on 20-Mar-2014 11:10:38 by Mod Infinity