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Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

RuneScape Community Newsletter

The Gielinor Globe

Competitions Update

Mod Hohbein and Mod Achilles talk about their recent successes
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Daemon Garde

A tale about RuneScape's most famous tramp
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A day in the life of a goblin
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November Quiz Quest

Jagex goodies are up for grabs in this RuneScape competition, designed to get you thinking.
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23-Oct-2010 18:29:28 - Last edited on 03-Nov-2010 22:35:24 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user


Welcome to a spooky November edition of the Gielinor Globe, the RuneScape forums' very own monthly community newsletter.
I've had quite a stressful month. My Jagex colleagues have been suffering from strange mood swings, and now many of them have turned a sickly shade of green. Mod Poppy's lunchbox used to contain a couple of sandwiches and an apple, but she suddenly started bringing in a box full of brainnnnnnnnnnsssssssssss!
Sorry about that, I'm feeling a bit peaky myself. Anyway, I still have some treats for you this November, so make sure you check out the two player-submitted stories, the new Quiz Quest and the hilarious winner of the Caption Competition. You can also get up to date with our latest competitions and our plans for clans.
I'm off to have a lie down and then maybe hunt down some humans... I mean biscuits! Oh dear.
Mod Kat
RuneScape Community Management
Don't forget! If you register an email address for your account, you can get ten extra F2P bank spaces. Head here to register your email address now.

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23-Oct-2010 18:30:24 - Last edited on 28-Oct-2010 17:21:21 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user


Halloween has never been a particularly enjoyable time for the Grim Reaper. Last year, his home was taken over by spiders; the year before, his manservant inexplicably died. With such misery around this time of the year, it’s no wonder that the Grim Reaper does his best to forget the Halloween season.
As such, Pumpkin Pete has given himself the task of showing the Grim Reaper just how fun Halloween can be, by throwing him the Halloween party to end all Halloween parties. He just needs your help to do it...
Join Pumpkin Pete now and help to organise a truly spooktacular Halloween party; meet the Grim Reaper’s musical idol; help werewolf backing singers get their throats ready for the big performance; and give an old friend eight hands as you work to get the musical entertainment in order.
Mod Kat
RuneScape Community Management

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23-Oct-2010 18:31:12 - Last edited on 29-Oct-2010 10:32:55 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
:) :) :) :) :)

Competition Update

During the last month we launched two very successful competitions, with tons of entries and feedback from all of you.
Hallowe'en Comic Strip Competition
October saw the arrival of the Halloween Comic Strip competition. The idea’s simple; we provide a selection of 5 cell comic strips with the middle 3 cells missing, those entering the competition then complete their chosen comic strip by filling in the missing cells!
The lucky winner of the competition will then receive 6 months RuneScape membership on an account of their choice, and a signed, framed, professionally rendered copy of their comic strip!
Over the two week period that the competition ran we received hundreds of entries that we’ve been busy reviewing every day. We’re now in the process of choosing the winner and as soon as we have we’ll be making an announcement with a news post. In the meantime you can check out our Facebook page to check out a selection of entries.
Scavenger Race Competition
As a fitting end to the month of Oktoberfest, we decided to test your game and skill experience with this in-game competition. The server was completely full before the race even started, and the hype was incredible inside the Lumber Yard. For those of you that couldn’t take part, don't panic! Due to the popularity and the positive feedback from this first race, we are considering launching another one, and this time, even larger, so stay tuned.
For those of you that haven’t yet heard about this competition, it’s a race around the RuneScape map; in order for you to finish the race, you have to complete all different steps. More details can be found here .
Congratulations to the lucky racers that won one month of membership each: Godgutten44 for winning the race and Eindhoven84 in the random draw.
I’d also like to thank all the PMods that took part in it. It was really exciting for the players to reach the final step through the finish line, with a team of 50 Player Moderators cheering from Falador's bridge. It’s great to see all of you helping each other out for the community, so from me and all the Jagex staff, thank you.
We’ve got a whole host of awesome competitions coming up so be sure to keep an eye on the website for any announcements. If you have a great competition idea, why not let us know by dropping by the Your Competition Ideas forum thread.
Until next time...
Mod Hohbein and Mod Achilles
RuneScape Community Management

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23-Oct-2010 18:31:52 - Last edited on 29-Oct-2010 14:44:02 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
:) :) :) :) :)

Clan Update

It’s time to give you an update on the clan community and what we’ve been doing within Clan Support. To sum up the last month, you’ll have to give me a second...
*Deep breath*
While there are a whole bunch of things that we’d like to share with you, I’m afraid we’d have to kill you afterwards (IRL). Although it might be worth it, I’d rather not dirty my new shoes. Instead, we’ll talk about some of the latest projects that we’re working on from a community point of view.
Myself and Mod Kathy have been thinking about what we’d like to do over the next 12 months: what we can do to further the support that we give you, but also what we can do from an events point of view. The Jagex Clan Cup is a massive event that happens once a year, but aside from that and the Clan Celebration Month, we need to do more to get more players killed and more items crafted for the masses. Here are a few of the things that we’d like to do for you:

  • More ways to be able to communicate with the clan support team

  • Get more clan tournaments on the go

  • Run a variety of clan-themed events, not just PvP orientated

  • Start a comic featuring Mod Timbo and Mod Kathy hard at work

Don’t forget, our next Clan Submissions Blog will be launched in the first week of November – until then... eat lots of brains!
Mod Timbo and Mod Kathy
RuneScape Community Management

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23-Oct-2010 18:32:55 - Last edited on 27-Oct-2010 16:32:22 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Daemon Garde

Charlie the Tramp
Autumn leaves whipped through the gutters and around the quiet street corners, before being thrown up into the air by the chilly, early-morning currents; he’d never cared much for autumn however, it meant winter was on its way, and the cold was terrible when you lived on the streets.

Charlie sat slumped against the polished, black bricks, his grubby bowler hat, which lay nestled atop his dirty, speckled hair, was pulled low over his sleeping eyes. The soft crinkles in his skin were folded into the same thoughtful, little smile that had graced every Varrock passerby who cared to look his way, for years now.

The sun began to rise over the shingled roofs, and people rushed by while sipping on their energy potions and polishing their identical steel platebodies. One man dropped a coin into an empty bowl at Charlie’s feet, but walked away again without a moment’s pause.

‘Lucky beggar,’ he joked to himself, ‘wish I could sleep in all day.’

Many hours passed, and the brief respite of day was ending, the growing cold had begun to sink back into the cobbled streets, as the last fiery rays of sunlight filtered through the smoke-filled rifts between the buildings. Charlie was still against the wall, his ragged trench-coat casting shadows far along the path. The oil lamps were being lit as a Varrock guard brought his pampered mount to a stop across from where Charlie sat.

"Hey there buddy, time you moved on, eh?", the deep voice of the officer pointed out. When no answer came, he dismounted his steed, and started to walk towards the old tramp, his chain mail glinting in the low light. "C’mon, you know you can’t stay here at night."

He reached the decrepit bundle of coats, and lifted the bowler hat from the old, wrinkled face. He soon lowered the hat back over the pallid skin and sighed, before clambering onto his horse and heading off to the castle at a trot. The cheeky smile on Charlie's lips seemed to dance under the candle light – he wouldn’t have to face another winter after all.
Daemon Garde

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23-Oct-2010 18:33:59 - Last edited on 27-Oct-2010 15:32:31 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
:) :) :) :) :)


A Goblin's Life
Journal entry, I dunno.

Dear Journal,
Well it was another day. I is walking by the river thinking "I wonder if I can swim across the river", but I decided what's the point of swimming across a river? I is walk along the river when I spotted this giant figure using some type of stick to catch fish. I thought "how can you catch fish with a stick?", then instead of taking the fish he dropped them on the ground. I thought "you is taking the time to catch fish, but then you drop them".

Later that day I was in the goblins' house.They were doing the same thing they always do, walking around and roasting a piece of meat over a fire. The meat was just spinning around the fire and some goblins just stood there watching it. I is starting to get hungry so I took a piece of meat and ate it, the meat was yummy.
I left the goblins' house when these giant figures came in killing all of the goblins. I is walking towards the farm when I is attacked by one of the giant figures. He was wearing dark brown armour and carrying a grey sword, while I are wearing my grey and red armour and are carrying my spear. Every time I got hit I saw a bar appear over my head and I thought "what is that above my head?". I hit him with my spear and it didn't do much damage. The battle are raging on and both of us were almost dead when the giant figure ran away. I are just walking trying to get to him, but he was too far away so I gave up.

I went back to the farm and is just wandering around. Suddenly another one of the giant figures came running at me, he are wearing light blue armour and carried a light blue curved sword in his hand. I knew what was going to happen and I just waited like a lion stalking its prey. The giant figure took his weird looking sword and struck me with it, my body fell limp and the giant figure ran away. I thought "well this are it" and then everything went dark. I woke up at the farm with my spear in my hand and I thought "No! Why can't I stay dead?".

Now its nighttime and the wind are howling through my ears.I don't know why I keep writing these journals, as I are most likely burn them for warmth. Well good night journal, please bring me much warmth for my toes.

Huro the Goblin.

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23-Oct-2010 18:34:58 - Last edited on 03-Nov-2010 22:35:54 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

November Quiz Quest & October's Winners

This competition tests just how much you know about the RuneScape world. There are prizes for five winning entries and we hope that you all enjoy hunting for the answer. Thank you to all of you who entered the October Quiz Quest competition; we have selected the winning players from hundreds of entrants.
The correct answer to last month's Quiz Quest was '3' . Well done to those of you who got it right!
This month, congratulations go to *drum roll* Chick Angel6 who was the first winner to be selected. We are delighted to give Chick Angel6 complimentary 3 months' membership to RuneScape and a RuneScape mouse mat signed by Mark Gerhard and a selection of other J Mods.
The following four players are the runners up, winning one month of RuneScape membership:

  • Surburus559

  • Bence708

  • Gen Knight1

  • Sharlaya

We choose the winners at random, so if you didn't win this time, try again with this month's Quiz Quest...
This month's Quiz Quest:

What is the Dungeoneering Rewards Trader’s name?

Once you have the answer, post it on this thread or send it to us by email at - and if you could include the words 'quiz quest' in your subject header it will really help us to spot your suggestion! If you are under 13, please ask a parent or guardian to send your entry in on your behalf, from their contact email address.
Please remember to let us know your RuneScape account name with your answer, if you submit by email - that way we will know who should be rewarded for their fact-finding power!
The competition will close promptly at 10:00 UK time on Friday 12th November 2010 - so get your answer in as soon as you can.
The winner will receive a complimentary 3 months' membership to RuneScape and a RuneScape mouse mat signed by Mark Gerhard and a selection of other J Mods.
The four runners-up will receive one month's RuneScape membership.
All winners will have their names posted in the next edition of the Gielinor Globe!
So, good luck finding out the answer!

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23-Oct-2010 18:42:21 - Last edited on 29-Oct-2010 14:49:46 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

October's Caption Competition Winners

The Caption Competition has returned!
Last month's photo was from behind the scenes at RuneFest 2010. We asked you to imagine what was going on, and you came up with some fantastic captions.
This month, congratulations go to *drum roll* No0ch whose entry made all of us giggle for quite some time. We are delighted to give No0ch complimentary 2 months' membership to RuneScape and a RuneScape mouse mat signed by Mark Gerhard and a selection of other J Mods.
Our awesome runner up was Nom Nommm who receives one month's RuneScape membership.
Here are the winners, and the 'best of the rest' captions -

"Animal masks - making noobs look cool since 2008" - No0ch

Awesome Runner-up
"I heard you slayed my brother..." - Nom Nommm

Notable Mentions:
“Next time, don't insult the Makeover Mage!” - Ladyy_M
“A funny caption? That's a hard tusk.” - Dreamweaver
“I think Zanaris is broken.” - Jamesernator
“Well, what do you know? You ARE what you eat!” - Alex 43
“Swine Flu strikes at RuneFest!” - Thomas P G
“I have a strange craving for slop.” - Lord Orange
"What happens at Runefest, stays at Runefest." - Volo

"Animal masks - making noobs look cool since 2008"

November's Caption Competition is now open! Head here to see the new image and post your caption. Better get those puns warmed up!

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23-Oct-2010 19:35:43 - Last edited on 29-Oct-2010 14:48:25 by Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Mod Kat

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Who the Zamorak?

Last month's 'Who the Zamorak?' was pretty tough, so well done to those of you who guessed correctly. The JMod was actually Mod Kathy!
This month we have 10 more strange-but-true clues to the identity of a mystery J Mod. We can't wait to see your guesses.
All the clues are true (and ever so slightly odd), but that is half the fun. So put your thinking caps on and unravel the mystery – answer next month!
  • I have a head for heights.

  • My name sounds like another J-Mod’s name.

  • Coffee > Tea :P

  • I’m not too fond of pasta.

  • You can’t beat a good curry!

  • My game knowledge is of epic standards ;)

  • Lately, you might have spotted me hanging around in all of the forums.

  • Recently you would have had a better chance finding me at night.

  • I don’t have a favourite type of cookie, I love them all!

  • Beware..... I am a master of Zombies!! *Braiiiiinnnnnnsssss*

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23-Oct-2010 19:50:09 - Last edited on 25-Oct-2010 11:39:09 by Mod Kat

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