Clan Spotlight
Each month we will be using this section to showcase original writing from the clan community.
This month's Spotlight is shining on the following piece by
Dart Plegius
The story of the Star Hunting clan "w31 Stars"
One night a little girl sat there, on top of the roof of her house. 5 storeys high, yes. But no vertigo. No fear at all. The magic feeling from looking at the stars made it all worth being there.
"Ghia! Get off the roof! You have to go now!"
The little girl didn't hear him. Or pretended not to. The magic feeling was too strong.
Suddenly, her eye caught a star, so magnificent, so large. She couldn't believe her eyes. It became larger and larger and larger, when at a certain point she knew that it wasn't a star sticking to the skies, but rather falling down. At this time the star was already near her. In fear she panicked and disappeared, shocked awake again by a tremendous shaking of the roof.
She looked down from the roof. A huge rock, right there, sitting in the field with the other rocks. Inhabitants came outside to see what was going on, but didn't notice the huge rock in the rock field, and returned to their business. But the girl ran down the stairs.
"Quick, I must see the rock!"
She ran to the rock, but to her surprise it was an ordinary rock. Disappointed, she made as if to return, but she heard a loud scream from within the rock.
"Help me! Help!"
Quickly she tried to get everyone else from the village to help her, but the inhabitants couldn't hear the cry of the thing. She angrily took a pickaxe and mined the rock. All night long. Still hearing the scream.
"Help! Help!"
After she fully broke the rock open, a strange yellow creature said with his dying breath;
"Thank ... you ..." and passed away.
The inhabitants were shocked. The girl was out of her mind. All the found gems couldn't satisfy her. She talked to everyone of the event, and they believed her. Soon, a huge amount of followers were standing by to free any creature from a rock from the skies. To this day, only one creature has passed away, and the clan swore to never let that happen again.
This is the story of W31 Stars.
If you would like to submit a piece to be considered for the Clan Spotlight section, please feel free to email it to us at
[email protected]
. We can't promise to use every submission but we do read all of them. We look forward to receiving your contributions!