Community Round-Up 05/06
Community Events and News
If you haven’t checked out our Goals and Achievements forum section, I highly recommend heading on over to see what the community is getting up to in-game! It’s home to awesome threads like this one from Tim Skye . Tim has decided to experience every single bit of content RuneScape has to offer and created this thread to list an astonishing amount of 'non-skilling goals' that players can attempt across a huge range of activities! If you want to check out how Tim is getting on, or create a progress thread of your own, check out the Goals and Achievements section of our forums.
If you haven’t checked out the God Emissaries in-game, this weekend is the perfect opportunity to do so. We are encouraging new players - and those unfamiliar with the lore surrounding the RuneScape gods - to check out our Choose Your Side thread and get involved!
Fan Site News
RuneScape has some fantastic music, but for those of you who’d like to mix things up a bit RuneZone ’s RuneRadio station could be just the thing you’re looking for! They have also recently installed their Auto DJ software update, creating an even better audio experience for listeners with more varied music choices for a much more seamless experience!
RuneRadio is also where you can listen in to our fortnightly Above the Lore podcast. Next week’s theme is The Secrets of Sliske , so fans of this enigmatic individual will definitely want to tune in!
Hot off the press, a new issue of the Tip.It Times is available, including a detailed look at metal-working in RuneScape, its similarities and differences to the real world.
Community Videos
A brand new video channel Zcapers have released their first Update Discussion video, in which they discuss the recent God Emissaries update. Check it out!
Fan Art
Skilling from sunrise to sunset. Kyriakii sent in this great picture entitled A Panorama of Stats . We love it!

Are you a dedicated follower of Bandos? You’ll likely appreciate these awesome earrings created by Trixy Starz !

Speaking of art, there is still time to enter this month’s Players’ Gallery competition . Show your support for your chosen god, create a campaign poster for them and send it to us by the 30th June to be in with a chance of winning some great prizes.
Budding artists should also check out our official deviantART page . It’s a great place to showcase your work and receive feedback!
That's all for this week! Keep on sending us your submissions at [email protected] and we’ll see you next week.
Have fun!
Mod Seven ( @JagexSeven ) and the RuneScape Community Team

06-Jun-2013 17:27:31