Team Righteous

You’ll likely have heard whispers of the oncoming ghostly invasion, but what you might not know is that Mod Sabre and his band of misguided Heinous followers plan to use this invasion to CURSE the very towns we seek to cleanse.
Utilising the power of the ectoplasm gathered from these banshees, we will strengthen the magical barriers in place and repel the invasion, saving Gielinor from evil. However, if he is allowed to muster the army required for such an operation, Sabre will no doubt bring disaster and chaos to all of RuneScape!
Picture it; Varrock covered in vermin, Rimmington filled with revenants – there won’t be a bank in sight to hide from these beasts.
I can promise you that by the power of Righteous we will prevent this from happening and will maintain order within Gielinor and deal justice to that bunny-suit wearing fiend, Mod Sabre, and send him to spend a night in one of England's most haunted buildings!
So do what's right and join Team Righteous!

Mod Mike

16-Oct-2012 11:37:31 - Last edited on 17-Oct-2012 13:45:33 by Mod Mike