Cats aren’t just a four legged furry XP waste, they’re also responsible for a number of international peace treaties, the collapse of three world banks and the success of the internet.
Let’s celebrate all things RuneScape, all things internet and all things cats in one happy bundle of a photo competition.
We’re looking for the best RuneScape owner’s cat photos ever. They can be funny, they can be cute, they can even be scary – we want them all!
Entering the competition is easy - tweet a picture of your cat to Mod Jane (@mod_jane) and myself (@modpaulm) using the hashtag #runecats. You’ve got until 9am (UK time) Monday October 8th to enter. Anything we get after that we’ll look at of course (it’s a cat photo after all) but won’t be included in Jane and I’s tough voting process.
Here are the rules!
- Dogs/children dressed as cats don’t count!
You must have taken the photo yourself – downloading a cat photo from
the internet would be lame. -
Including RuneScape into the photo somehow isn’t essential but will give
you bonus points! ; )
Prizes are:
1. Twitter/kitten based infamy
2. Something cat like for your cat
3. Something RuneScapey for you
The “I don’t have a cat category”
Don’t worry if you don’t have a cat. There’s a special award for those non cat entries we receive.
The best of luck you all!
Paul M & Mod Jane
01-Oct-2012 12:19:24 - Last edited on 01-Oct-2012 14:28:44 by Mod Jane