
February Newsletter

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Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

The Gielinor Globe
February Edition!

Welcome to the latest edition of the Gielinor Globe!

We put together this regular newsletter to showcase some of the awesome things that go on every month in the RuneScape community.

It's February and after a mild-weathered Christmas and New Year, the frosts have finally descended on Cambridge! Fortunately there is lots going on to distract us from the cold.
Read on to find out about what updates are in store this month, discover the results of our latest competitions, enjoy creative writing submissions from the community, learn some wiki-editing tips courtesy of Mod Timbo, and more!

Thanks for reading the Gielinor Globe, and we hope you enjoy the month ahead!

02-Feb-2012 17:23:16

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

This Month

  • Dominion Tower Boss

  • If you were at RuneFest 2011, or if you have been following our videos on our official YouTube channel , you will know that one of the attractions was the opportunity for attendees to help contribute their ideas to a new boss character for the Dominion Tower.
    Here's a clip showing highlights from the session:

    We've now breathed life into the creature that was designed on-the-spot at the event, and this month we are proud to present to you...
    ...the Sunfreet!

    To make sure that all members get a blast of Sunfreet, we will create two versions: one designed for players of combat level 110 and above, and another available to all, at a reduced combat level but with the same impressive attacks.
    We are also planning a number of other Dominion improvements in February:
  • Dominion Tower Item Exchange - you can exchange your unwanted powerups for XP books.

  • Gloves improvements - you will now be able to own multiple pairs of Goliath, swift or spellcaster gloves, and they will last longer too.

  • Increased XP - we felt that the current rates of Dominion XP were on the low side, so we will be rebalancing the area.

    In other news:
  • Potion Flasks - level 81 miners will be able to mine a brand new resource, red sandstone, which can be used to produce 'robust glass' and made into new six-dose flasks. Trade them for profit or take them into combat for a competitive edge.

  • Carnival! - Join us in celebrating Carnival season with a new carnival headdress, available soon for both free players and members.

  • Graphical Rework of the TzHaar - We are graphically reworking the entire TzHaar City, from the environments to equipment, characters, monsters and more.

  • The Elder Kiln Quest - a new master-level quest set in the TzHaar City. Learn more about TzHaar lore while taking in the reworked graphics. Receive a ring that increases combat damage while in TzHaar, a brand new title, and access to a new minigame...

  • The Fight Kiln Minigame - our most challenging minigame yet! This sequel to the Fight Caves requires you to sacrifice your fire cape just to enter - and you will then have to face wave after wave of the toughest monsters ever encountered. The reward is a new +8 strength cape - if you can survive!

  • Kiln Early Bird Bonus - to encourage everyone to check out the new TzHaar content, we will be offering bonus XP to everyone who completes the quest and a further XP reward to anyone who reaches wave 30 of the Fight Kiln with two weeks of release.

  • For even more details about what you can expect to see in February, check out the full Behind The Scenes article here: Behind The Scenes - February
    We hope you enjoy it!

02-Feb-2012 17:23:25

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Your Barrows Tips!

As regular readers will be aware, the Barrows had a major overhaul last month. To celebrate, we asked you to send us your tips for taking on the Barrows Brothers and surviving. We then compiled the top ten suggestions into a video.
Here's the result - check it out!

02-Feb-2012 17:23:39

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Clan Update

by Mod Timbo
The RuneScape Wiki!

Ever since the launch of the official RuneScape Wiki, the community have embraced the new tool like an old friend and added pages to the wiki that we would never have thought up ourselves! Number one on that list is certainly the Clan Wiki Dictionary , which has exploded in recent times with some fantastic clan pages out there and pushing the wiki to its full potential!
Here are a couple of tips on how to get started and make the most of your wiki page.
Be sure to check out some examples in the Clan Submissions section of the newsletter too!

  1. Make sure you have some content!
    It seems to be obvious but one of the worst things that can happen when making a wiki page is that you don’t have anything to fill it with! Let everyone know what your clan is about, your history, what you like to do and your recent achievements. Sell yourself to whoever is reading your page and make your clan sound the best.

  2. China called...
    A correctly formatted and laid out wiki article will always look more appealing to someone than the infamous wall of text that looks difficult to read. The wiki has a number of features such as the ability to add different sections with a table of contents, break up text with user-uploaded images or screenshots, tables and links to existing wiki pages.

  3. And then this and this and this and this happened
    Keep it interesting to read and to the point where possible. While I’m sure you could create hundreds and hundreds of pages of interesting facts, history and information about your clan – you need to remember that not everyone reading will be as interested as you. Make it so that they are! Tell them all of your best bits in an interesting way, again use images to reinforce points and keep it relatively short. Long paragraphs and sections are fine, just make sure that everything you’re saying is relevant!

  4. Get the whole clan involved!
    It’s the perfect opportunity to talk to your clan members on your clan forums or in-game and get the whole clan working together on a project. Every clan has its founders or elder members who can contribute to the clan’s history, the leaders who can help maintain the page. Not just that, the regular members who will either have screenshots, writing skills or just the ability to remember that one time we all got full Bronze armour and invaded Castle Wars!

  5. Back up ALL the things
    Make sure that you have copies of your page saved to your own personal PC, clan forums or otherwise so that all of your clan’s hard work isn’t lost. Various disasters can happen to your clan page that are unforeseen by everyone so it’s always better to be safe than sorry. There is nothing worse than having a number of hours, days or weeks worth of work being lost when you could have backed it up!

02-Feb-2012 17:23:49

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
:) :) :) :) :)

Community Submissions

We regularly feature a selection of original works created by members of our amazing community.
This month we have another selection of awesome creative writing for your enjoyment - opening with this amazing piece about the winter wolf:

Hati by Kit0
It was mid-January when Kito returned from spending a week in the snowy plains at Trollweiss hunting sabre-toothed kebbits. She was journeying to Rellekka to rest for the evening before continuing her onward travel to her home in Seer's Village. The cold wind bit through her jacket, and her kebbit gloves struggled to stop the cold biting though. Pulling her jacket close around her neck, she wished she was back in the snow den she had crafted to shelter her during her hunting. Kito tightened her utility belt around her clothing to stop the wind creating a freezing draught along her back. The wind whistled through the nearby trees and with it carried the sound of distant wolves howling. Glancing up at the darkening sky, the clouds slowly crept across the full moon, bringing with it the wintery threat of snow. As the light from the moon disappeared, Kito was grateful that it would no longer illuminate her figure to predators nearby, but meant she could no longer identify them either.
Eventually the clouds gave in and it began to snow. The young girl hitched her bag higher onto her shoulder and began to quicken her pace. A loud crack halted her suddenly as a large bear and its cubs roamed in the trees nearby. Keeping still, Kito allowed the bears to pass unnoticed, and after allowing them to get further ahead of her, she began to walk again. The bears weren’t too much of a worry to her in these parts of the woods. The bears were slower and less agile than other predators. It was the pack hunting wolves that worried her more, as they had a tendency to have their prey surrounded before attacking.
The moon slid out in a small break in the still snowing clouds lighting the woods for a brief moment, but it was enough to cause Kito to freeze with fear. A large white wolf was stood looking directly at her with fierce red eyes. It was much bigger than any she had seen in this region before. Edging slowly towards a nearby tree, she could hear the deep growling coming from the creature. At the same time, the moon disappeared again, as though frightened of this wolf itself. Fear rose instantly in the girl. She had no way to defend herself, she had never been trained in any form of combat, carried no armour, and only limited amount of food and medicine. Having led her life focusing on learning skills she had rarely encountered anything that needed her to defend herself.
The wolf growled louder and began to run straight for Kito. Breaking cover, she sprinted back the way she had come, hearing the growling and footfalls of the wolf get ever closer over the sound of her heart hammering with fear. A loud battle cry screamed through the woods, and five warriors stormed into view, charging straight for the wolf. Kito spun around in time to see them converge on the wolf, who instantly began to fight back.
The sounds were horrendous, and Kito could no longer watch. Yelps of pain from both wolf and human alike, amongst the clashes of claws on shields and swords. After what seemed an eternity a huge cry erupted from the warriors and the sounds of fighting quietened.
"You will not take our moon!" one cried as they supported a comrade away who had been badly injured in the fight. Kito spun round to see the fallen figure of the wolf, and realised just who it had been.
Remembering back to her schooling, she had heard about the two wolves who chase the sun and the moon in an attempt to devour them and release their father, Fenrir. Rumours had since been banded around about people who had met them, and defeated them, but Kito had never truly believed them.
Until now.
Edging towards the wolf, she could see it was still alive, but close to dying. It lay still with its eyes closed, breathing heavily, as though each breath was a struggle. The girl knelt close to the wolf's head, knowing it didn't have the strength to harm her now. Pulling her hand from her glove, she placed it on his head.
"Hati..." she whispered.
A loud howl erupted from another part of the woods, and Kito looked up to see a large glow from a fire above the trees. Glancing back at the wolf, she recoiled slightly. His eyes were open and seemed more alert, as though he had been waiting.
"Sköll?" Kito asked quietly, and the wolf's eye focused on her. There was a glint that shone there, one that mixed cunning, anger and revenge all in one. In that instant Kito realised that although Hati was dying in this form, his spirit would continue and one day would return in a new form. Sköll was his reason for returning and together they would continue in their attempt to devour the heavenly bodies and get revenge on all who try to stop them.
The body of Hati vanished into the snow, and Kito began to head towards Rellekka for the night. The moon re-emerged and caused the snow to glisten brightly as it fell.
A few days later, in the depths of the night a loud, fierce howl rang through the trees.
Hati had returned.

Wilderness by Cherria
Upon the lands they call danger,
I glimpse a dark bow in the hand of a ranger,
An arrow flies through the cold,
Racing towards him - I am bold,
I strike a blow with my sword,
And pray to the empty lord...

Noobishness by Cherria
Lumbridge - the land we roam,
Getting glasses from Chrome,
Collecting copper and tin,
We see doublers - unaware of their sin,
Not a penny to our name,
We play a minigame,
Taken into a portal glowing red,
Soon to find ourselves dead,
We are the newbies,
Respect us, please!

A Wanderer in Mort Myre by Apep-Itsirk

"Yet there are those who would claim that war is an art form. Fools they are, and fools they remain. By their bloodlust they are blinded to beauty, deafened to melody and numbed to sanctity!"~ Azzanadra.
He stared at the dark red sky as dark flying creatures buzzed by, covering the silver moon. He was petrified, mesmerized by their vast numbers, crashing down to the flanks, ripping through bodies with their bare claws, and crushing the mere shields of men, shields with a yellow four-pointed star on it. He knew it was war. He knew that there was no hope and no end, because from what he experienced, in this very brief moment of his first battle, was that he knew that he would not survive. He told himself countless times to run... RUN! He couldn't run. Nor could he hide, as he was frozen in fear.
Suddenly one of the winged creatures fell down in front of him. Slowly it turned it's head toward the man, flexing its bony wings and strengthening it's claws. It gazed at the man with it's beady eyes, staring down at his broken soul. And then in a sinister way, it smiled, displaying it's fangs all in blood.
"Here is where you die, human!" the creature said, dashing toward the man at extreme speed. The man could not see the creature clearly. All he saw was a dark blur rushing toward him.
Then out of nowhere ice flung toward the creature hitting it. The creature smashed to the hard earth, its face bashed against the large rocks in the distance. The ice spread around its body freezing it in place.
A heartbeat. A slower heartbeat. A stop. The creature was dead.
The man was shocked. He was relieved to be alive but his mind could not understand what happened. It all happened so fast... so suddenly. He turned around to see who had saved him. No one. Suddenly he felt a tap, on his shoulder. He turned slowly and saw a man with robes, and a red colored metal on the robes. The man had a skeletal face.
"W-what are you?" The man asked, walking back slowly in shock.
"I am a Mahjarrat. And this, sir, is where you die." The Mahjarrat said raising his hand; his cape brushed against him. It had a strange symbol, unknown to the man; one that was a purple circle with an "X" in the middle.
"Why? Which god are you fighting for..." he said, about to run, despite the fact that he knew it was useless. The power of the Mahjarrat was overwhelming. Any attempt of escape or resistance would be futile.
"I obey only one. Zaros. And by his honor you shall die." The Mahjarrat replied coldly. The Mahjarrat, however possessed a sad spirit, although hardened by war, it was felt an incredible pain.
"War... I don't know why I am fighting it anymore. The gods are fighting it not us. Yet we are the ones who perish." The man stated. He saw the pain in the Mahjarrat's face, one that saw heavy loss, and great tragedy. The Mahjarrat was silent.
"What god do you follow, mortal?" he finally asked.
"Saradomin" the man replied. The Mahjarrat looked at him for a second and concealed his arms in his robes. The Mahjarrat smiled.
"Then you are lucky. Zaros has nothing against Saradomin." The Mahjarrat stated. He lied. Those two gods had been enemies since the second age of Gielinor, but for some reason the Mahjarrat showed mercy for the man. The Mahjarrat turned around, ready to leave.
The man was shocked, surprised by the sudden acts of mercy.
"Who is Zaros?" The man asked. The Mahjarrat stopped.
"One that you should not be concerned about." The Mahjarrat replied smiling. The Mahjarrat disappeared in an instant.
And to this day the Mahjarrat remembers the mortal's words.

If you have a creative submission you'd like us to include in the newsletter, please email it to us at . We can't promise to use absolutely every entry but who knows, you might see your work featured here in a future edition!

02-Feb-2012 17:23:58

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
:) :) :) :) :)

Clan Submissions

Tying in with Timbo's column above, here are a few standout examples of content submitted to the Clan Wiki by members of the clan community.
Click each image to see the clan wiki in it's full glory.

India Inc's Wiki page

Zamorak Cult's Wiki page

RuneScape Dinasty's Wiki page

Rogue Ninja Civilization's Wiki page

If you have a clan-related submission you'd like us to include in the newsletter, please email it to us at . We can't promise to use absolutely every entry but who knows, you might see your work featured here in a future edition!

02-Feb-2012 17:24:06

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Forum Spotlight

In this section, we will be showcasing a different noteworthy forum thread each month.
This month's featured thread is all about that most celebrated of RuneScapian vegetables - the mighty cabbage !
It was created by ScapeRune all the way back in April 2011 and has grown to over 75 pages since then.
Share your cabbagey musings here:
Quick find code: 14-15-291-62618765
RuneScape Forums / General / What's in a cabbage?

02-Feb-2012 17:24:15

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Quiz Quest Results

Each month, the Quiz Quest tests your knowledge about the RuneScape world. There are prizes for five winning entries and we hope that you all enjoy hunting for the answer.
Thank you to all of you who entered the January Quiz Quest competition!
The correct answer to last month's Quiz Quest was this:
Q. Which tormented foe is an absolute wretch with a battleaxe?
A. Dharok the Wretched .

Well done to those of you who got it right!
This month, congratulations go to *drum roll*... Teh Chosen 1 , whose entry was the first one to be selected. We are delighted to give him three months' complimentary membership to RuneScape and a voucher to order some merchandise from the Jagex Store .
The following four players are the runners up, each winning one month of RuneScape membership:

  • Kamikaze Z

  • 0rbes

  • Metal Health

  • Ankka51

We choose the winners at random from all correct answers received - so if you didn't win this time, try again!

This month's Quiz Quest:

“Location, location, location. Which Slayer Master recently relocated from Burthorpe to Taverley?”

Once you have the answer, post it on the February Quiz Quest thread or send it to us by email at - and if you could include the words 'quiz quest' in your subject header it will really help us to spot your email! If you are under 13, please ask a parent or guardian to send your entry in on your behalf, from their contact email address.
Please remember to include your RuneScape account name with your answer if you submit by email - that way we will know who should be rewarded for their fact-finding power!
The competition will close on Friday 24 February 2012 - so get your answer in as soon as you can.
Good luck finding out the answer!

02-Feb-2012 17:24:23 - Last edited on 02-Feb-2012 17:31:03 by Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Caption Contest Results

Last month's photo showed Mod Sabre mid-way through his epic New Year challenge. It was very late at night and strange things were happening...

We asked you to come up with a great caption, and you came up with some amazing submissions.
This month, congratulations go to... FabledLegend , whose entry was personally selected by Mod Sabre himself. We are delighted to give him two months' complimentary membership to RuneScape and a voucher to order some official Jagex merchandise from the Jagex Store .
Our runner up was pickney girl who will receive one month's RuneScape membership.
Here are the winners, and the 'best of the rest' captions. -

Winner - FabledLegend
"After losing to MMG in Pac-Man and pool, this was Sabre's last chance for redemption...""

Runner-up - pickney girl
"Come on son, you gotta get your head in the game!"

Notable Mentions:
MasterM - "Mark's always the head of the table. No exceptions."
Mike Archer - "After being asked by Mark to find out his ping speed, Mod Sabre's lack of technical skills started to be noticed..."
Xlerat0r - "Hey Mark, heads up!"
Scret - "Just practising my MARKSmanship"
Krazeemee - "I'm playing against no-body"
Volo - "I say, MMG, you may be a cut-out, but it is I who is a-head. Mwuha. Mwuhahahahahaha."
Lebbeh - "After Mod Sabre made his Mark, he tried very Gerhard to hit it."
DrochMactire - "Are you alright Mark? You've been a little wooden since I got back from the toilets."

February's Caption Competition is out now! Head over to the February Caption Competition thread to see the new image. Better get those puns warmed up!

02-Feb-2012 17:24:32 - Last edited on 02-Feb-2012 17:31:59 by Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Until next time...

Thanks for reading the Gielinor Globe - we hope you have a great time and we'll see you again next month!

02-Feb-2012 17:24:43

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