Daemonheim Asunder: By Mod Scorpion

By Mod Scorpion
Well for those of you waiting for an update to our lore collection you will have been very happy to see last week’s update!
For those of you who haven’t seen it yet, check out the update by reading our latest story Daemonheim Asunder .
With this lore, we wanted to deliver a detailed look into the history of Daemonheim and also flesh out some of Dungeoneering’s most important characters. One of those being Kal’ger, who you will have only seen if you are level 113 Dungeoneering so he can smash your face off. Developing a character with only a limited amount of previous exposure was one of the most difficult things to get right in the writing, his dialogue being rewritten numerous times to make it true to his character.
Another character who was thrust into the spotlight with this update was the unexpected Hobgoblin Geomancer, who was chosen for his mystique and his uncertain position in the Daemonheim hierarchy. Why is he a slave if he has magical powers? Is he fooling everyone, or has he just not learned how best to use his abilities yet? These are questions I wanted you to be interested in to associate with the character more and therefore get more enjoyment out of the story's outcome.
Regarding the story’s outcome I also wanted to leave the ending up to your interpretation. Movies and novels always end better that way in my opinion, so why should lore be any different?! It was really fun trying to come up with ways to give a satisfying ending, with enough new plot given out to keep you satisfied but leaving enough of an open ending to leave that desire to find out more.
Weaving this piece of Daemonheim history into Dungeoneering’s bigger picture did take some consideration, as well as some long discussions with Dungeoneering’s lead design curators! We know how much you enjoy the ongoing main storyline and wanted to drop a few hints regarding Daemonheim’s past. These are included in the story, so if you’re a plotline theorist then get involved and start speculating!
We knew this would be a great insight for players new to Dungeoneering as it shows you just how cool Daemonheim really is. The story was written to show that anything can happen there, walls can move, world’s can be pulled apart and fabulous battles will ensue. That is the nature of the place and that is never more evident than in the core of this story. One of my key objectives was to ensure that this sense of urgency and uncertainty came through in the writing.
Finally, I’m sure you will all wanting to know who the robed figure is. Well I can tell you he is a big player in the future of Daemonheim, but more than that we cannot say at this stage. You will have to keep your eyes peeled on future updates for that one I’m afraid!
I would just like to add that I really enjoyed coming up with this story for you, and had your reactions in mind every step of the way. How will the players react to that? What will they think of this? What will they want to see here? This was the real driving force behind this project and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! So make sure you leave your feedback about the story on this forum thread.

11-Jul-2011 16:28:45 - Last edited on 11-Jul-2011 16:32:18 by Mod Scorpion