Independence Day Celebration
Independence Day Quiz
Welcome to our alternative Independence Day quiz. Don't worry you won't get a history class flashback. All our questions will be focused on entertainment and we bet that you will enjoy answering them as much as we enjoyed the research!
So just post your answers below and enjoy!

Quiz Questions
What song can you hear in the opening scene of the film "Independence Day" from 1996?
Which episode of the Simpsons refers to the movie “Independence Day”?
In which year was the song “Independence Day” by Bruce Springsteen recorded?
In which film did the Declaration of Independence get stolen?
Who gave Baron von Steuben his voice in the animated TV series Liberty’s Kids?
Where does Homer Simpson buy his fireworks to celebrate the Independence Day?
What is the link between the films “The Patriot” and “Independence Day”?
What does Ben Gates find in the bell tower above the Independence Hall?
- Which superhero shares his name with one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence?
It's all for fun so feel free to answer them as best you can and the answers will be posted on Monday the 4th of July 2011 at midnight (BST).
Good luck!
01-Jul-2011 17:51:25 - Last edited on 03-Jul-2011 11:04:21 by Mod Zach