Going about one's industry and daily routine about the city of Varrock, the crown jewel of Misthalin, one might find sheets of parchment pasted to walls repetitively, in bulk and blatant attempt to put one's attention only to the message hand-written to these many faces. Each written swiftly and almost without any care for neatness, the lines of sentences weren't straight and lopsided, the spacing in good lack or generous here and there. A mess that'd give one a sense of urgency the writer must have had.
"To you who are reading this, whoever is, anyone; please find me. My name is Lyari Venkayr and I am being hunted. Not too long ago in my visit to the great undercity of Keldagrim from Asgarnia did I encounter a hellish, murderous thing of a man. I am injured and hungry, I've lost my possessions save my armour, which I fear to part in case I encounter him- or it again.
I am in the slums of Varrock. Find me there, please help me. I will pay any price in good time, anything to keep him away from me. Please send help."
Below is a messy but on-point illustration of a man's(?) features, done quickly to save time. An illustration of a man's open mouth, a dark and empty maw that'd greet one with his teeth shaped and sharpened to appear much like an anglerfish's with a mask worn and tipped back slightly to expose the lower half of his scarred face.

Hello! This thread is here as an in-character message as you can see. Whether your intentions are good or bad, feel free to toss me a whisper/Private message if you'd like to pursue and involve yourself. It's not a plot I'm working on but a response to something that has happened In-character a couple(?) of days ago.
I've worn all shoes but it's only the shackles that fit.