((( freelance-pureplay, pure rolplayers only
story-driven, in other words we make our own quests there not required )))
)))( Game Master Mode )(((
there were three kings in gielinor living outside of saradomins law they saw corruption in the church in the senate in the state so together 2 become 3 and 3 became ONE
Project-Eno was created to unify these three kings of rebellion, outlaws thieves beggers the poor the pirates and they created and invoked the ritual with help from a very old book
Devils Gate Invokation with a well worded spell cast just right by eight dark mages
a powerful demon bound to the ritual and a virgin priests blood sacrificed atop of a alter
to guthix not zamorak not saradomin but guthix big green god himself
this of course was during the 5th age before his untimely death sliske the Klown God
and the stupidity of guthix chosen world guardian caused the death of what might have been the greatest and most beloved god of all
guthix forever the green grail is his grail the blue grail is law the red grail is chaos
the grails have come back to gielinor two are on ((world 42)) your world, the alternative world ((or world 41)) the big cup is drifting between world and will not find its way to your world until someone uses both of the other grails you need chaos and law in both your hands only the World Guardian can save you and if you cannot decide who that is the grail will choose a champion of its own
(((theres only one world guardian in each world and thus they can call from help world guardians can travel between worlds with ease for they carry the Gate yes pieces of the world gate are part of his shadow anima kore)))
D.S.G - H.G - H.J.K
19-Jan-2022 21:47:47