I'm going to keep this post brief and to the point - so hear me out, and then let us be civil and discuss the matter at hand.
When we voted to disband Land Claims, I was among those supporting the notions and a pretty vocal voice at the time. So do not get me wrong: I have not been pro-landclaims for a long, long time now.
Revisiting the concept and realising the current state of the community, I would like to open up a discussion about the possibility of reintroducing the system, albeit with less actual enforcement from the fabled LC Admin.
With the current community's size, the competition and multi-claiming of cities is a very, very rare occurrence. Those of you around in the days of Land Claims should recall that it was problematic due to multi-claims and the frequency of wars to claim land (which, for those who did not experience it - at least 1-3 battles for land typically occurred in a week during the Summer of 2011). This should not physically be a possible problem anymore - especially not near the frequency that made Land Claims destructive.
Rather, under the name "Land Holdings" (to better escape the negative legacy attached to the name), why not reopen another administrative thread that simply records who is posted where? This doesn't mean "one group owns Varrock", but rather "X clan is regent/the city of Varrock, Y clan is a mercenary group operating out of Varrock, and Z is a Zamorakian cult living in Varrock".
As mentioned above, the things that made land claims destructive are rare issues in today's community. Rather, the main issue threatening the community is activity and interaction (or lack thereof). By once more putting life into the "interaction factor" that Land Claims had given, it may help the community maintain a more active state of being, leading to new members, and growth.
So let's discuss it - please, give reasons. "I do/don't want it" isn't a discussion.
10-Oct-2016 16:11:38