
Evil Kingdom Suggestion?

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Bad BunnyX3
Apr Member 2020

Bad BunnyX3

Posts: 275 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello! First I'd like to list out my credentials so you don't think I'm some rando-scrublord trying to be an antagonist: -I have been a roleplayer in the Runescape community for almost 9 years, started off in W31, made my way to W42, and here I am.

Proposal: I think we can all agree most of us are grown now, have jobs, go to school, and generally don't have time to create such intricate plotlines, or you do in which case props to you! But maybe you don't have such a large base that can attend, well I have a solution that I only hope you can agree with too. I am proposing that I start a new Kingdom Expansionary/Malevolent in nature. To be the main villain in the rp-centered Universe, take it this way, you all have your own main plots. This Kingdom would serve as a side/plot main force of evil. What I propose is preposterous yes, foolish? Maybe, but I see a community in need of more rp, thus I came up with this idea.

Projected Idea: I'm thinking of starting this "Kingdom" as a raiding party, backstory would be 14 archaeologists and 5 mercs went into the ruins in the desert, found a sarcophagus estimated to be 1k years old. Inside the sarcophagus "Main Villain" ability to influence and manipulate his pawns into doing his bidding. It would be semi-private in the beginning, the mercs would act as the raiding party, while the Archealogists would act as the gatherers, from then on, Raid Caravans, Buy and Sell captured slaves to make profit, Conquer small Villages, moving on to towns. So as I stated Semi-Private in the beginning, moving into Public once the domain has enough land and military force to begin cultivating land and enough time for other Pocs to recognize it. From then on, it is YOU who gets to decide, I won't decide who and what to attack, I'm doing this for ya'll. Comments, questions, approvals? Dissaprovals and criticism below please! Thank you, I do this with the best intentions and for the rpers, not for myself.

22-Oct-2017 20:28:44

heretic hary

heretic hary

Posts: 3,137 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I still think your best shot will be to start an ideology that has arguable merits but contradicts cultures and ideologies of other kingdoms. Mind-control sarcophagus sounds a bit like the forced antagonist rp people used to dread, but I'll be waiting to see how this goes.

22-Oct-2017 20:44:10

Bad BunnyX3
Apr Member 2020

Bad BunnyX3

Posts: 275 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aye, new idearrr yarrgghhh. Cult Leader rising to power, promising prosperity to the poor villages in the desert, based on Zarosian teachings, cult rises to power, fame, under one cult leader, who is a noble. Everything is a to be established basis, Cult promises end of corruption and prosperity and revolution.

22-Oct-2017 21:03:15



Posts: 12 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
heretic hary said :
I still think your best shot will be to start an ideology that has arguable merits but contradicts cultures and ideologies of other kingdoms. Mind-control sarcophagus sounds a bit like the forced antagonist rp people used to dread, but I'll be waiting to see how this goes.

This is good advice. Listen to this guy.

Please don't do another "cult." That word just gives the players an excuse to dismiss their villains as unreasonable, irreconcilable, and "crazy." The most compelling villains are the ones whose philosophies hold merits of their own; the ones who sincerely believe that they're the heroes of their own stories, that their causes are truly righteous. "Cultists" completely cheapen this because cultists are just OoOoOhHh so misguided and insane xDD . Indoctrination and mental illness are no true faults of theirs.

You mentioned imperialist expansionism in your first post. Why would someone think an empire is a better system of leadership than a republic, a democracy, or even a monarchy? Does he value the welfare of the collective over that of the individual; ie., the common good is more important to him than personal rights? Does he recognize any serious, debilitating flaws in the democratic system? Does he enslave the peoples he conquers because he believes in rational egoism on a national scale? You have to make him believe in his own cause or else you're just throwing another monster-of-the-week into your RP.

Make him intelligent. Make him powerful. Make him a true threat. But most importantly, make him sincere , because if he sincerely believes in his own vision of a better future for his family/country/nation/race/species, that's what will make him truly terrifying when he goes out and captures slaves, butchers people by the hundreds, designs a fascist surveillance-state for his subjects, etc.

22-Oct-2017 21:18:15 - Last edited on 22-Oct-2017 22:05:31 by Vhosythe42

Bad BunnyX3
Apr Member 2020

Bad BunnyX3

Posts: 275 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aye, super glad I made this suggestion, the ideas are rolling in ^>^, Vh, what a marvelous criticism and remash. I like that idea, just wasn't thinking clearly at the time. I'm thinking my villain would be a leader tired of the systems put in place in the Kingdom of Menaphos and Sophanem, they failed to provide for those outside of the walls, the main villain would be the leader trying to rally the villagers, seeing she as a noble would try to convey a message that the old system has failed us, let us create a system that works wherein we the people control the goods, sort of like a Utopian Society based on Zarosian ideals such as everyone is welcome, everyone is accepted, but we must band together to survive and rival that of those two great cities in power and numbers, use ideaology to sway the masses to our side.

22-Oct-2017 21:27:59



Posts: 12 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Already much better! She'd be able to rally the slaver district under promises of liberation, of breaking the yokes which the privileged classes have placed on them; but from the outsider's POV (whether this means the wealthy merchants themselves, or other nations entirely), she's merely condoning wholesale slaughter. She's burning the city so she can rise from its ashes and build it anew in her image.

And then again, her leadership might be fairer and kinder than the old one. The ends might, in the end, justify the bloody, unsavory means, because one could argue that she has reduced the overall suffering of the place, even if this change came at the expense of a privileged few. There's a classic argument to be had in there: Utilitarianism vs. the Kantian school. Suddenly your RP is about philosophy and about the human condition. You're forcing your players (on both sides!) to question their own morals, their own convictions on what it means to be a good person. Does the liberation of the slave caste outweigh the cruelty inflicted upon the merchants and statesmen who oppressed them?

I'd be very excited to join an RP like that. So keep thinking about it, particularly from the perspective of your characters' motivations and belief systems, and I think you'll be able to create something truly spectacular.

22-Oct-2017 21:34:54 - Last edited on 22-Oct-2017 22:10:48 by Vhosythe42

Bad BunnyX3
Apr Member 2020

Bad BunnyX3

Posts: 275 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Definitely. More people need to be interested and give their own opinions, I as well will think more about it, but as stated above is the template at the moment. If I can get more people to give their feedback I will make a thread creating this.

22-Oct-2017 21:43:32



Posts: 78 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Nah but seriously, great idea. Nothing brings people together like a common enemy, so building something that genuinely threatens the other kingdoms and must be stopped would be a wonderful community-wide thing.

If you got some of that tasty land to grab or talked to one of the main kingdoms about operating inside their borders you may find it easier to establish something like this, I think. As an example you could build up power as a small faction who sticks to one area of a kingdom(s)' backroads and badlands and steadily grow over time, eventually showing themselves properly when they invade some poor chumps.

23-Oct-2017 06:29:51

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