
Legacy of the Rune Lords

Quick find code: 237-238-398-66253040

Mar Member 2012


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` · . „¸¸,,.• °ˆ'·¸.··
Legacy of the Rune Lords
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All over Gielinor a strange occurance would happen. Many of the fountains, wells, and other such vessels carrying water would become infused with magic. A soothing, but powerful voice would speak through the waters of these newly ensorcelled objects and speak to any and all who happened by.

"Come people of the world. Listen to the words of Solomon the Wishmaker and hear what I have done. A spell has been cast and now is the time. The rings of the Rune Lords of Crandor shall surface once more! These pools of water shall become scrying pools. As the rings reveal themselves so to will these scrying pools show you all where to find them. Rings of great magical power and the secrets of Crandor await. But beware. The abomination is loose. Beware of the creature Rubix. Now go forth and find the Legacy of the greatest order of mages that ever lived."

Hello everyone and welcome to the Legacy of the Rune Lords plot! All are welcome to join this potentially world spanning adventure! A few very important things to note! There are plot characters that will be present!(Big shocker I know) These characters are intentionally high powered and over the top. They are supposed to overwhelm your master mage or ancient lich. Please respect the power of such beings. Also it is very important to defer to the judgement of the GM at all events. We can always resolve things after the fact as well. And the most important thing is to have fun and be respectful. This is not the place for stealing spotlights or airing your grievances to your peers. Just have fun. Thank you!

13-May-2022 00:46:35

Mar Member 2012


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` · . „¸¸,,.• °ˆ'·¸.·· Important Information ··.¸·'ˆ° •.,,¸¸„ . · ´
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You will find important ooc information in this post. Information included ranges from who are the plot organizers to major rules.

General Expectations : Please respect everyone present. Do not use this plot to show off how great you think your character is. You might be roleplaying with somebody you dont get along with. Deal with it. If a GM tells you to tone down what you are doing please listen regardless of what you think.

Magicks, Divination, and Other : We will be accepting a certain degree of custom magicks within reason. Please ensure whatever you do is reasonable. In some events you will be allowed to go "all out" but be respectful of all present. This is roleplay for everyone.

Plot Characters : There are characters and creatures with a certain degree of "plot armor" and general op powers present. Deal with it. These are your boss encounters.

POK's : Whether you bother with them or not there will be events taking place in the various kingdoms. No there will be no hostile take overs of pixels. This is just good fun with events for everyone.

Game Masters : The GM's word is law. If you cannot adhere to the GM of an event then please do not join. Trust that our GM's will be neutral. We only want to tell a fun story. However we will not manipulate the outcome of the events.

Events : If anyone would like to host an event please approach any of the plot organizers. We are not the only ones who can host things!

Plot Organizers : Khaji, CrocoNuts, More to come

Friend Chat : Khaji

Please remember this event is open to everyone. Please be mature enough to work with each other and leave your bias and grudges at the door.

13-May-2022 00:46:42 - Last edited on 13-May-2022 01:38:36 by Khaji

Mar Member 2012


Posts: 1,256 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
` · . „¸¸,,.• °ˆ'·¸.·· Scrying Pools and Solomon Updates··.¸·'ˆ° •.,,¸¸„ . · ´
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Here you will find where the scrying pools are located. These pools will provide information to the locations of the dungeons and other updates from Solomon.

Misthalin Pools :
Varrock Square Fountain
Lumbridge Memorial Fountain
Paterdomus Well
Draynor Manor Bathtub
Edgeville Well
Edgeville Monastary Fountains
Gunnarsgrun Well
Wizard's Tower Fountains

Asgarnia Pools :
East Falador Fountain
Goblin Village Cookpot
Rimmington Well
Taverly Well
Heroes Guild Fountain

Kandarin Pools :
Camelot Castle Fountains
Legends Guild Fountain
Memorial to Guthix Pool
Blurberrry's Personal Cocktail Shaker
Yanille Watchtower Fountain

Keldagrim Well
Menaphos VIP Pool
Water Pot in Shilo Village

Updates from Solomon: "Two rise together. Choose which path you will walk."

13-May-2022 00:47:05 - Last edited on 27-May-2022 03:13:30 by Khaji

Mar Member 2012


Posts: 1,256 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
` · . „¸¸,,.• °ˆ'·¸.·· Rune Lord Rings ··.¸·'ˆ° •.,,¸¸„ . · ´
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The members of the Rune Lords crafted rings of great power. All rings are capable of teleporting individuals to the Rune Lord vault hidden deep within Crandor. Four of these rings were held by the original members and crafted with the aid of Ignacio the first Bordeleaux. These four rings are the most powerful. Five other rings exist and while still immensely powerful are still weaker than the original four.

Listed below will be the rings names. Their powers will be added and revealed as they find owners. The current owners will be shown as well.

The Four Great Rings

Ring of Metal :
Current Owner:

Ring of Primal Elements : This ring passively boosts all elemental spells slightly and allows the wearer to communicate with elementals. It has 5 powerful spells in it. Using the spells too much causes one to turn into an elemental.
Current Owner: Rosaline Haines

Ring of Spites :
Current Owner:

Ring of Kings :
Current Owner:

13-May-2022 00:47:08 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2022 04:16:31 by Khaji

Mar Member 2012


Posts: 1,256 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
` · . „¸¸,,.• °ˆ'·¸.·· Rune Lord Rings Continued. ··.¸·'ˆ° •.,,¸¸„ . · ´
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The Five Successor Rings

Ring of Big Broodoo : This ring allows the user to cast 3 spells. All the spells inflict great pain and some damage onto the user. The first spell is broodoo doll which turns a single person into a broodoo victim. The victim becomes more durable and their blood becomes poisonous. The second spell is Bumba's Rain Dance. This spell causes the user to spasm and dance before summoning acid to come raining down over a large area. The final spell is Da Other Side which summons ghostly jogre shamans and hobgoblin spirit guardians to fight for you so long as you can endure the pain.
Current Owner: Elena Strider-Aren

Ring of the Cosmos :
Current Owner:

Ring of Glass :
Current Owner:

Ring of Dreams : This ring allows its wearer to transfer experiences and training in their dreams to the real world. Injury in one's dream transfers over to a lesser extent and prolonged use will take a physical toll on the body making it as if it hasn't slept in weeks.
Current Owner: Leila Gauntier

Ring of Chaos : This ring has 3 spells. Chaos Ward which sends spells and projectives flying away in random directions. Imbue chaos which empowers weapons and spells with a random temporary enchantment. Finally Forge of Pain which allows the user to inflict great pain upon an individual. Prolonged use causes cronic pain and paranoia.
Current Owner: Titania Renderra

13-May-2022 00:47:11 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2022 02:04:21 by Khaji

Mar Member 2012


Posts: 1,256 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
` · . „¸¸,,.• °ˆ'·¸.·· Rubix the Abomination ··.¸·'ˆ° •.,,¸¸„ . · ´
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Rubix is a creature from the end of the first god wars. The result of a mad mahjarrat's spell and desire to gain a soul and overcome the need of the ritual of rejuvination gone wrong. This creature was created in the wilderness right when Zamorak destroyed it. Zamorak's actions foiled the mahjarrat's plans and caused the spell to go haywire and alter. The result was the thousands of forces nearby coalescing into the mahjarrat and creating the abomination. The minds and power of many ranging from icyene to ourgs and even demons coming together. Their mind melding with the mahjarrat. This creature was no longer a mahjarrat, but something entirely different.

Now Rubix has greater power than it ever had as a mahjarrat alongside power from the many creatures and people that became a part of it. Killing this anomoly might seem near impossible. This creature was barely sealed by some of the greatest mages of an age and now its roaming free. Beware this abomination for it is unpredictable and may want to add you to its collective.

13-May-2022 00:47:15 - Last edited on 14-May-2022 17:52:13 by Khaji

Mar Member 2012


Posts: 1,256 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
` · . „¸¸,,.• °ˆ'·¸.·· Current Dungeons Active ··.¸·'ˆ° •.,,¸¸„ . · ´
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Information of the current active dungeons will be posted here. All details here can be considered to be learned in-character from one of the scrying pools around the world.

13-May-2022 00:47:19 - Last edited on 14-May-2022 17:56:59 by Khaji

Mar Member 2012


Posts: 1,256 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
` · . „¸¸,,.• °ˆ'·¸.·· Character Participant Sheet ··.¸·'ˆ° •.,,¸¸„ . · ´
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While not strictly required to be filled out. Feel free to fill out this sheet on the thread to show off your participating character/s! Please only post a character sheet if you are going to participate and are willing to abide by the plot rules.

Name: (Self explanatory)

Race: (Self explanatory. Note that even if your character is a mahjarrat or cthonion demon they are still weaker than some of the plot characters for this to work.)

Age: (Self explanatory)

Abilities: (Can be magical, martial, or anything of note)

Reason for joining: (What made your character to decide to pursue the rings?)

13-May-2022 00:47:24 - Last edited on 14-May-2022 18:04:41 by Khaji

Mar Member 2012


Posts: 1,256 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
` · . „¸¸,,.• °ˆ'·¸.·· Events ··.¸·'ˆ° •.,,¸¸„ . · ´
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What?: Arise Ring! Arise!

When?: Sunday 6/19 @ 10am PST 1pm EST
Where?: Jig'ig

Who?: Anyone who is able to get to a scrying pool.

Danger Level:High - Chance of grievous injuries, death, dismemberment, trauma.





Danger Level:

13-May-2022 00:47:27 - Last edited on 18-Jun-2022 20:40:50 by Khaji

Mar Member 2012


Posts: 1,256 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
` · . „¸¸,,.• °ˆ'·¸.·· Recaps and Things of Importance ··.¸·'ˆ° •.,,¸¸„ . · ´
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13-May-2022 00:47:31 - Last edited on 27-May-2022 03:14:51 by Khaji

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