The ruling *is* the law, opinion on the ruling is politics, and that's a no no around these parts.
Supreme court sets precedent that says parliament was in the right, common law on precedent and statutory interpretation is pretty clear on this part, changing the law would require an act of parliament, and we're back to politics.
27-Feb-2021 02:43:03
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27-Feb-2021 02:44:19
She is a misguided kid, there is a lot more dangerous individuals walking the streets of Britain right now, the ruling imo is purely for her own safety.
But that is just my opinion, don't shoot me
Much love
Scouse - Every fucker deserves a chance
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
Ehhhh very difficult to discuss Laws and their implementation without politics entering the mix somewhere, particularly if focusing on a specific individual.
I doubt very many of us here have in-depth knowledge of Law anyway, to be able to comment from an informed and academic point of view rather than from a personal or emotional one.
From a purely personal stance I would not want this individual returning to the UK and potentially becoming a domestic cause célèbre or rallying point for supporters of extreme terrorism. So in that regard I welcome the Ruling.
I can definitely think of better things the UK taxpayer's money could be spent on rather than funding atrociously expensive Legal Aid for an individual who, at one point in life, would it seems quite cheerfully have seen the entire country burn to the ground and it's citizens beheaded.
Particularly when they still maintain that they do not regret doing what they did but now merely want to "come home" (to a society which they despise). I assume it's preferable to live somewhere which supports freedom of religious belief, equal rights for women and LGBT+ etc. than living in a squalid tent in some shithole corner of a desert).
On the other hand, I remain ignorant of the finer points of national and international Law, specifically that surrounding Terrorism and rights to citizenship, so really cannot comment on the verdict being either correct or entirely lawful.
Le Chat Guerrier
Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop
27-Feb-2021 08:52:02
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27-Feb-2021 08:58:06
FiFi LaFeles