My girlfriend has three dogs. Two pomeranians then one giant, scratch that, violent German shepherd always just sitting there, waiting to attack me. To everyone he was always innocent but in my mind I always hated big dogs. So one day I'm at her house with my best friend and in the backyard. The dog wasn't in it's cage and I was already panicking. We decided to play soccer and have a good time and I started to relax. I scored a goal and that was when the dog became alert and starts running after me and I did not know what to do so I started running with all my might, my heart was racing. The dog was obviously way faster than me so when it caught up to me I was screaming and maybe even crying. So my best friend runs over and tackles it the ground trying to be the hero when the dog started scratching on his forehead and he begged for the dog to stop. I was too scared to even touch it.
Meanwhile my girlfriend walked over to the porch, sat down on the steps, and started laughing her head off at us. I'm pretty sure all the mascara was streaming down her face from all the laughter. I decided to help my poor buddy but that was when the dog continued running after me. That was then the dog grabbed my shorts with his teeth and pulled my shorts down

And I just stood there... so shocked and embarrassed. There wasn't any time to escape so I continued running across the front yard with my shorts around my ankles.
My girlfriend was now rolling on the grass laughing like crazy and my best friend was just standing there, with his scraped forehead. They shouted to run through the back door and I tried, and it was locked but at least managed to pull my shorts up. The dog was still behind me and now I was running to the front door. I got past my girlfriend who was still busy laughing. Finally my best friend got a hold of the dog and put it back on his leash.
That was a very terrifying experience for me but today I look back and find it hilarious.