the phone didn’t pass away from being put in the freezer, i’ve been putting my phones in a freezer since 2014. Especially now because rs3 would simply make it overheat too much, i mean i also put my gpu in the freezer on a couple occasions too to cool it. anyways it didn’t pass away from being put in the freezer, the freezer actually prolonged its lifespan. the phone simply passed away because the inside of it melted from playing runescape 10 hours a day. if i didn’t put it in the freezer the battery would simply hit 0 until i cooled it off. i used to cool it every 45 minutes. so yea now i’m stuck with another phone that shuts off after playing rs for a couple mins so i’m quite upset… last phone didn’t even get that hot but this phone is hot within a minute of rs3. i remember fifa15 made my last phone pass away because it would get so hot it would literally leave a burning stain on hardwood from how hot it was, it would leave that white mark on my table as if i put a hot pot. im just continuent if i like a game in play it non stop. i once even had motherboard on my pc melt from playing rs 15 hrs a day. s phone isn’t made to play rs3 10 hrs a day… i should’ve put ice on it somehow. all electronics pass away from overheating and the cold prolongs their life. so upset, now i’ve got nothing to play games on
23-Sep-2021 02:11:29