Going to try and be vegetarian . Haven’t eaten meat in a week or so.
Then continue to conserve money/ be frugal as much as possible.
E: Lol. Looks like I failed the first one by eating a shawarma. Second one , I’ve been good for 2 years obviously I won’t fail that one.
Just cuz I failed once.. I won’t give up. It was in the fridge xD
I’m not a huge meat eater.. I just like this particular thing.
Another resolution-> chop a lot of my hair off in a month. I keep it long(mum tells me to not cut it’s too nice) but I feel shoulder length would suit me better. I dunno . May change my mind in a month .
A resolution can be made at any time though . There isn’t anything special about the first
Best take things gradually!
31-Dec-2023 16:21:58
- Last edited on
01-Jan-2024 05:57:14
I have given up on new years resolutions years ago.
Don't ever think the reason I am peaceful is because I do not know how to be violent.
Ekki hugsa alltaf að ég sé friðsælt vegna þess að ég veit ekki hvernig á að vera ofbeldi.
Its easier for me to plot out stuff through the year and slowly work to making the change when the changes need to be made.
Can I turn in a paper without citing all sources?
1. William Shakespeare,
, Act III, Scene 1, line 96.
Another resolution-> chop a lot of my hair off in a month. I keep it long(mum tells me to not cut it’s too nice) but I feel shoulder length would suit me better. I dunno . May change my mind in a month .
The great thing about hair is that it will grow back. If you don't like the new style you can change it back once your hair grows again.
I stopped my workouts mostly after the pandemic and had a really difficult time starting up again. Now I'm feeling fit again and hoping to maintain that. I think I can do it.
I love the idea above. I think it would be too difficult for me to not swear.. I swear a lot and even a little bump into something will result in many curses, but I think if I could reduce how much I swear that would be nice and more achievable for me. I'll start with that
I'm trying to learn a simulation tool to use it for school. Almost all the other simulation tools I'm so comfortable with it and picked it up very quickly, but one of them in particular has been tricky and I'm going slow / totally stumped on even seemingly basic tasks. I hope to master that tool by the end of the year (I kind of need to if I want to achieve my academic goals).
One of my kids is old enough to be potty trained. I look forward to that. I think everyone eventually gets there (... eventually??), but another reasonable goal. I also hope I can get them to use more words instead of simple one worded responses.
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04-Jan-2024 07:53:38
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04-Jan-2024 07:55:17
Much less casino trips with friends
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Ornery Onions
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