Haha I know what this is without even clicking on the link. Popped up in my feed also.
They need to send this video out into space; any Aliens looking for intelligent life will be forced to make a quick U-turn. Fastest way to get a ruptured ear-drum, no thanks. Lol.
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
Keep your computer keylogger-free and virus scanned.
Never give your password out to anyone.
02-Feb-2022 19:31:39
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02-Feb-2022 19:35:23
Sal J
Chess should be an Olympic Sport, and as for that ..., why not?
Haha, you know - I once thought this! Although I wonder if they consider "entertainment value" when deciding upon a new sport. As much as I love chess, not sure how many people would tune in to watch a full match.
These slapping competitions are wild, though! They've been going on for a few years, & they seem to be establishing certain rules with regard to keeping things being fair. I agree that it does seem barbaric - although, boxing is an olypmic sport! Lol. Who knows, it's been interesting to watch the development over time though.
05-Feb-2022 08:47:28
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05-Feb-2022 08:47:54
I've just watched the video you mentioned, Tuffty. It definitely reminds me of a Year 9 class. It starts of as fun and then, when one participant has had enough, devolves into a brawl.
The problem with that, here in the States, Tuffty. There would be SJW groups coming out of the wood work to protest it.
Don't ever think the reason I am peaceful is because I do not know how to be violent.
Ekki hugsa alltaf að ég sé friðsælt vegna þess að ég veit ekki hvernig á að vera ofbeldi.