I’m a recently returned player looking to get into some of the new content. As an ex Warcraft player, the new dungeons and raids appeal to me however I am not into the idea of trying to solo them.
So the idea is to get a group together of like minded individuals who are decent at combat and would like to join elite dungeons as a learner. Please note we will be learning together so this is no boost service.
My only requirements are that you have 90 in your 2 chosen specs, and high enough prayer, summoning and herblore to succeed. I will consider a lower entry point if you can prove you know what you are doing.
Recommended requirements (and minimum);
T90 weapons and armour (T85 weapons and T80 armour)
Access to Overloads (super/extreme pots)
95 prayer (70-80 if you are using normal spellbook)
Time - 6PM server time for 1-2 hours Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, we will decide when a team is formed.
Money for food and flasks, this will not be provided for you.
There are a lot more items you could be using like Enhanced Excalibur, planted feet switch and the ring of vigour but as a group, those things will be optional or used at a later time to enhance our clear times after we learn the dungeon.
Drop your name below and I’ll contact you shortly. If you are interested, please take the time to read the strategy guides online and perhaps watch some videos. We will try to clear the first wing at least on our first attempt, so that would be ‘required reading’ for this instance.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to any potential team mates!
04-Aug-2020 14:29:22