You should be on the offensive over your positive combat bonuses in anything that you are wearing when it comes to dealing damage. If you have positive defence bonuses in anything that you wear you should be able to defend for a scale of percentages of damage dealt to the defending player. If you have negative bonuses then you will not deal or will be dealt damage. If I'm wearing ranged armor and I have a Rune 2h Sword, then my melee bonuses should not be negative. If I'm wearing some ranged armor and some magic armor, I should have bonuses for both and be able to defend accord to my bonuses and do damage during having offensive bonuses.
This also goes for the wearing or using the combat tri-angle in negative or positive bonuses.
That is the point of being an Adventurer not people complaining over their false updates (not all) over not knowing the dangers of the wilderness and not knowing mechanics.
RuneScape 3 has been nerfed so hard over complaining and plenty of content has been taken out because of complaining when people liked certain updates like the bounty hunter craters (probably). I think being aware of the game that you are playing and being aware of the rules and new ones should be implemented that there are safe pre-cautions and dangers of the game like death in the wilderness, and the safety pre-cautions of death being able to give you your items back during PvM. There has to be a wilderness manual and a PvM manual.
Complaining(Complaint/Complaints) should no longer be tolerated for updates to be pushed neither should Riots be tolerated in the game. When a Complaint or Riot has risen those type of people just want the game to be their fitting instead of the intention of the Company being underheard over their valid and wholesome updates being thrown away over people that suffer loss in complaint for anything to be pushed(as an update) that can be a negative impact on the game for their own personal gain.
The game is the companies and nobody elses.
Z om B1 e
20-Aug-2023 21:10:17
- Last edited on
20-Aug-2023 21:30:21
Z om B1 e