Quest Title: "Restoration of Senntisten"
Following the catastrophic events of the Extinction quest, where the world of Gielinor faced unparalleled threats, a new chapter unfolds in the quest "Restoration of Senntisten." In the aftermath of Extinction, the fragile balance of magic in the world is disrupted, leaving ancient cities like Senntisten vulnerable.
Players, having proven their heroism in the face of extinction, are summoned by the Mahjarrat Azzanadra. He reveals that the ancient city of Senntisten, once a bastion of magical knowledge, has lost its mystical power. Azzanadra entrusts players with the mission to recover the Senntisten Crown, the Book of Shadows, the Crystal of Memories, and the Sceptre of the Gods. These artifacts, scattered and dormant after centuries, are the key to restoring Senntisten's lost magic.
Just an idea. Worked on the idea more than I probably should have.
25-Oct-2023 03:42:17