
~My Clan Members are Monkeys!~

Quick find code: 185-186-175-66292134

A  Cole
Nov Member 2003

A  Cole

Posts: 14,761 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Problem

Clan member activity ebbs and flows across the seasons. One week there may be 20 members online, then the next only 3 members are able to make it to the world of Gielinor.

This brings with it one huge problem: the clan citadel locks those few remaining active members out!

The Solution

Ideally, I'd like the 5 visitor limit for upkeep to be scrapped. However, this may be deemed as un-clan-like.

My solution, therefore, is Monkeys!

Similar to Mind Controlled Monkeys, using the Invention skill, players can create monkeys that can go to the citadel in order to maintain visitor levels.

Once created, they can be added to a clan storage area, and will only be used if the clan fall short of the 5 visitor upkeep threshold. As this should only be a temporary solution, a maximum of 3 monkeys will be able to be used each week, and the storage area should not be able to hold more than 6 at a time.


21-Dec-2023 14:30:21

Dr Joe
Nov Member 2020

Dr Joe

Posts: 150 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Monkeys LOL :D

What a great idea ^_^ I deal with this problem constantly.... My clan has gone inactive and I'm loyal to a fault lol. I haven't been able to access the citadel for what seems like 2 years haha ..since there's not enough of us online.

I think the invention component is a great idea. Make the required items tradable; or make a gold sink of some kind. Bond related? IDC lol please just give me access to my citadel again haha

I have gp and I'm not afraid to spend it to get access to that xp boost that I so dearly miss <3

Preferably a solution involving gp rather than money lol but I get it; I'm business minded and I know it needs to be a win-win now days. :)
"No tree has branches foolish enough as to fight amongst themselves."
- Unknown

03-Jan-2024 23:44:42

Jan Member 2005


Posts: 14,341 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
lol, I love it - perhaps to encourage less reliance on the monkeys, there could be a limit of how many you create per week? Or maybe that limit be per character in the clan, where each creates a number of 'replacements' for themselves, say limited to 1 (maybe 2) per week, per character. That way you can pre-visit for yourself, but it still requires participation at some point from everyone.

Heck, why not go all the way and say each monkey 'belongs' to a specific player, you can make one per week, up to a maximum of 3-9 per player, but the citadel can have as many as you have players for. Maybe make a new 'menagerie' build spot that will increase the number of monkeys per player (say from 3 to 9) just like we have tiers of citadel (t1 being 3, and +1 for every tier after that). Monkeys will be drawn at random (max of one per player) to cover the shortfall, prioritizing those players that have not yet visited that week.
Things may be looking down now, but I see a light at the end of the tunnel;
Do you think I should get off the tracks?

04-Jan-2024 06:46:00

Sep Member 2022


Posts: 1,915 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Periodically, I remove inactives if they've been offline for 90 days. RSClanAdmin in junction with RunePixels helps best identify this. By doing this, you ensure that your community is much more lively and engaged.

Otherwise, I like your idea too ^_^ .
- (Owner) Ornery Onions -
Prioritizing inclusion, friendliness and offering a helping hand to those that need it.

20-Jan-2024 19:18:39

A  Cole
Nov Member 2003

A  Cole

Posts: 14,761 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Adarajin said :
Some good ideas here! Certainly something along these lines would be extremely helpful.

Vead said :
The clan I currently run is basically a friends chat with clan capabilities. This means we're a constant for those who come back to RS after long breaks, meaning kicking inactives isn't really an option for us. I totally understand how it can be useful for other clans however.


21-Jan-2024 00:13:54

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