Whoever made player owned farms makes me so happy!!! In the dinosauruses I have a ducky, chomper, cera and all land before time characters. Then I have the colorful chinchompas, funky ass yaks, dragons, spiders. I love it it's so beautiful and well designed. I look forward to going to my pof every single day. I hope you guys can add pof to osrs also then I'd have a reason to play it.
POF has made one of my least liked skills so much more enjoyable. I used to hate doing farm runs but supplementing them with POF has made it so much better. Plus I love all my cute dinos
Maxed and still in love with the game.
POF has made one of my least liked skills so much more enjoyable. I used to hate doing farm runs but supplementing them with POF has made it so much better. Plus I love all my cute dinos
Maxed and still in love with the game.