This is the "compliments" forum, not the "complaints" forum.
Your post has been hidden as the Forums may not be used to make accusations about other players, FCs or clans by name. Even the Rants forum has rules against complaining about other players or groups of players.
The Rules of Runescape - and the
Forum Rules
, and the Terms & Conditions for the website and game are set by Jagex, which is a UK based company.
I'm sorry to hear that you had an unpleasant experience with a clan. Different friend chats and clans are set up for different reasons and it is up to the owner of each fc or clan what the rules for their group are. If they want to restrict it to only friends, or to players participating in a certain minigame or have requirements for joining or disallow certain topics, that it their right. As long as they are not discriminating based on real world criteria such as age, race, religion, etc. or engaging in activities that are illegal or against the game rules, they may use their friend or clan chat as they wish. And they decide who they want to rank and what controls the ranks are given.
There are so many different clans and FCs set up for various purposes. I'm sure that you can find one more to your liking, without publicly bashing the one that you had an issue with.
Additionally, the forums should not be used to threaten legal action. The US Consititutional Law regarding Free Speech does not apply to RuneScape clans. The 1st Amendment protects the right of individuals to express themselves without government interference or regulation. It does not prohibit private individuals, companies, employers, social groups, etc. from restricting speech.