Hello, I recently started playing osrs about about a five year break and there has definitely been some change items maps ect.
Anyways I’ve been really interested in the bowfa I could technically afford the bowfa and to Corrupt it. Although it would take most of
My bank worth to do so.
I’m 99 slayer currently so don’t find my self just killing various creatures much anymore.
More into bossing and also safe pvp CW ect.
So is it worth trading nearly 200m worth of items in order to get the bowfa or would it be smart to keep my 200m bank so I can buy/sell gear according to what I’m trying to do?
I do a lot of vorkath currently and would like to also pick up Bandos and Arma bossing again and eventually like to learn some
Sorts of raids.
Please share your personal experience with the bowfa vs DhCB for bossing ect.
Is the bowfa is worth having without the crystal armor? Or is it still good with void/khrils Arma ect?
I’m prettty much going to be stuck with a crossbow and good ranging gear or crystal equipment with lower tire boots.
hello ekovo, this is the runescape 3 forums. for the old school runescape there should be a different place.
I do hope you get an answer there for your question.
trusting certain pc lists or prices of items or websites that dont belong to jagex will get you into trouble notice: external websites and trades are your responsibility, dont get fooled!.