I understand that you aren't able to give out much info regarding the 3rd godwars dungeon beyond "it is happenning at some point" but as its been said that there will be a questline associated with it, is there any chance that we will be told of any existing prerequisite quests beforehand in order to get into it quicker? Personally i decided to make a new account ages ago and i still do not have lots of quests complete, so it would be quite disappointing to log on on release day only to realize i have 9 prerequisite quests i need to get out of the way before anything new.
- Some guy who occasionally says something useful or entertaining
I expect there will be teasers/information released about the dungeon before its release, as the Elder God Wars will be an overarching theme this year.
Azzanadra's Quest
, which comes out on Monday, is tied into this theme so I would look at completing that. Completing other quests relating to the elder gods might be sensible as well.
I do believe they said on stream that GWD3 will have quests, but the dungeon itself won't be quest locked and the quest line isn't necessarily locked behind quests other than azzanadras quest.
However they said if you want to know the full story, basically getting a quest cape is recommended.
Zanik is my favorite quest character and my best friend in runescape.
Proud owner of a quest cape
Jeremy Cheng
As long as the gwd3 quest line never requires sliske's endgame, I'm fine with how jagex is releasing info on the quest line so far.
We actually knew from Azzanadra's Quest, Sliske's role in Guthix and the World Guardian's adventures is really not much more than the shadow magic Guthix needs for the World Guardian. That's said, Sliske's Endgame or Sliske himself is really a very small part of the ongoing Story Arc and highly unlikely we'll need it.