"Traders make their way to the docks to peddle their wares, repair their boats or maybe just offer passage to other parts of the underworld."
Seems like we will have some kind of sailing or POP sort of seafaring activities in the City of Um...
"While most of the population of Um are spirits there are also creatures of various shapes and sizes (who also don't wish to move along just yet), Spectral rats can be found roaming the streets, Ghostly implings, rushing around just out of reach but the most prominent critter you will find are the Owls."
Ghostly implings becoming the highest tier of impling? What can we loot from them? What the Owls are they doing in the Underworld... sounds like a wise question...
"Here you will find things like the Blacksmith who will help you out with upgrading gear and more specialized professions like a psychiatrist!"
I love this one! Psychiatrists in Jagex games for the first time. WHO must love it. Undead must have blown their minds and need psychiatric help.