Fellow scapers I gotta survey for you.
1. Intention to do Croesus with members of your clan
2. Intention to do Croesus with members of your friend list
3. Intention to do Croesus with members of an obvious fc
4. Intention to do Croesus with anyone queued into the grouping system ready to go go go all day every day
...and my tilt is kinda in the question. I am most hopeful that the update brings new sorting mechanisms to the grouping system itself so that we can adjust when making the group not just "group size" and "combat level" but get new metrics for things like
a) learner. has one of the skill levels required to do one of the jobs. sorts into games where learners of one of each of the four skills auto sorted together. no sneer... that sounds fun to me. desperately clinging to each other's best skills.
b) medium. all four people have all four minimum skills.
c) max capers. 99 at all four skills. etc.
I have quit rsof because moderator found comments about darklight bonus damage on demons "off topic" for wildy flash mobs full of demons