I reckon We should allow other players to visit Our Player made houses.
1- They not allowed to Burn Incese to help Ironman ( would defeat the purpose on being an Ironman.
or use Anything that would benifit an Ironman There needs to be away for my friends to visit Our Ironman Houses without benifiting Us Ironman And vise versa.
I know this is an Big Ask But i just feel like with the right balancing To IronMan and Mains This should work.
I think the majoilty of Ironman's would love to have people over and see eachother houses and it gives Us an Reason To buy more than an portal Rooms and an Alter ( thats Honestly thats all in an Ironman House) I'm an Ironman And it's pretty sad lol explaining to mains thats all in our houses.
30-May-2020 00:23:32