They behaving differently in noting items before the update. Besides, they didn't note all items when we had items of different categories before the update.
what do mean different categories? what extra stuff are u taking on farm runs? and obviously they wouldnt note stuff that u werent selecting to note so obviously thats where the right click option comes in otherwise like i said theyre exactly the same
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what do mean different categories? what extra stuff are u taking on farm runs? and obviously they wouldnt note stuff that u werent selecting to note so obviously thats where the right click option comes in otherwise like i said theyre exactly the same
Fruits from trees, berries from bushes, herbs from herb patches of course, in Herblore Habitat just for one simple example.
Don't tell the other player they don't harvest vegetables from allotments and limpwurts and such too when they harvest herbs.
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so once again the only difference is the right click option? ok cool glad to know
Once again, leprechauns before the update weren't consistent, but now they are united with the same game feature. It is not just the right click option. Before the update, there was NO NOTE option for the Trollheim and Herblore Habitat ones. Now they have the same NOTE option as the other leprechauns.
literally all u had to do was click ur herb or w/e u grew and use them on the leprechaun to note them not a big deal so yes the right click option is the only difference
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literally all u had to do was click ur herb or w/e u grew and use them on the leprechaun to note them not a big deal so yes the right click option is the only difference
Again, we have more than just herbs in our inventory. We couldn't just click a herb on the leprechauns to note our fruits and berries, but now we can compel all silly useless leprechauns to NOTE them.
yea yea yea i got that so AGAIN the only difference is the right click note option
idk anyone that does a herb run and stops for berries/fruits in the same run but ok go ahead u do u
nothing was wrong with trollheim since literally the only patch there was herb patch only really affects herblore habitat and i mean even still wasnt hard to just click ur herb then leprechaun to note ur herbs before u harvest fruits/berries but to each their own