Good question, hope the OP chimes in.
There was some rep in Fort Forinthry quests, with Aster being labelled nonbinary and using 'they" pronouns, as well as one character having had relationships with both sexes. That has little to no bearing on the mechanics of building/using the fort, but it is there, and perhaps makes some people feel seen.
For a more concrete benefit, perhaps when addressing some of the complaints about the cosmetics, a concurrent update could be that for any gendered cosmetic in game (i.e. male characters get pants with an outfit, females get skirts), it could be made that any player who has purchased or otherwise unlocked a gendered cosmetic can have access to ALL features of the outfit, regardless of the gender of the player/avatar?
That might be more fun and useful to players who desire that expression in game than periodically being told, "Hey, this new NPC identifies as non binary!!!11!!"
Just a thought
08-Sep-2023 19:04:13