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They didn't lie though.
It is instanced... just with a cap of six players. It is completely moronic, but they didn't lie.
They did lie as what you describe is an "Instanced Shard World"
As defined on Runescape Wiki:
Instance shard world
(Redirected from Instanced Shard World)
Not to be confused with instance.
An instance shard world is a world (or server) sharded off from the rest of the servers. A player cannot access an instanced shard world except through specific means such as activating a trigger or teleporting to said location.
An instanced encounter is defined as I previously posted
An instance is a special area, typically a quest area, that generates a new copy of the location for each player or group that enters the area.
Not 6, not 4, not 2, EACH PLAYER
Unless it is a Group instance, which they DID NOT STATE; it is generated for EACH PLAYER.
OR IT IS NOT AN INSTANCE, it is an instance shard WHICH THEY DID NOT state.
I am not splitting hairs, I'm just going by THEIR approved definition of the word.
Dont say its an apple if its an orange.
12-Apr-2023 01:37:50