Pulseironic: "i mostly see this as an answer to the people complaining the necro gear upgrades are too hard. if elder overloads, free deaths, respawning near the boss, and luck of the dwarves class luck wont help you youre not really ready for it."
I think you're right that it is an answer to those who don't agree with locking gear upgrades behind forced bossing, even if it's designed that you must earn the levels before even making the resources to make said gear.
It seems fairly obvious that Jagex is stuck on forcing bossing whether people are interested or not, and the necro rollout provides the perfect foil by releasing it with the two training options including the holiday-style grind-for-xp rituals, also a money sink if you're buying levels there.
It gives the option to those who dismiss the (valid) concerns of those who don't like/can't do bossing to say some really thoughtlessly obnoxious things sometimes; some of those who are irate at the locks CAN'T boss, because of disability or health issues, and are told by some bossers "well, it's nice you try to play but the game isn't for you then, is it?", or "just grind rituals and buy First Necromancer. You're welcome." At $2B+? Yeah, "just". And the ubiquitous "well since you can't/don't do combat you don't need gear."
That last one seems most frequent, and is perhaps the most thoroughly thoughtless disconnect, IMO. Combat does not equal bossing, and bossing only. Shall we lock slayer capes behind arbitrary bossing? I earned my slayer master cape, with nary a boss or combat minigame.
I have no desire to boss, and in close to 20 years never have. I don't play for adrenaline, I play to escape, relax, have fun.
I suspect I am not the only one. Why force bossing on those who are disinterested, let alone those who are physically unable? Jagex should care, even if the bossing griefers don't.
26-Sep-2023 15:26:14
- Last edited on
26-Sep-2023 15:53:25