Not sure what you mean about gravestones being more expensive than actually buying my stuff back from Death. I get my stuff for free from my gravestone instead of paying Death for my stuff. I can't afford high end gear, haven't augmented my stuff (except some tools and like 2 weapons I don't use much), I don't boss other than quest bosses and some slayer mobs, and I try to make sure I can get to my grave when needed. I have never bought my stuff back from Death, so the need to ask him to give my gear back was never something I had ever done before. This is why appearing in Death's office without my stuff, instead of Edgeville with my stuff like at the end of Nov., confused me and appeared that this event was broken.
Edit: I've played this game over 17 years and purposely purchased the longest lasting gravestone before they changed it multiple times and this new process confuses me and is not something I have ever done. I don't see how paying death is cheaper than if I get my stuff back from my grave for free. Why have the option of the gravestones if they don't want us to use them? I can't afford to pay to buy back my gear that I have had for years and had to save a very long time to get. I rarely buy stuff from the GE and mainly only because those items helped me do quest bosses I got stuck on and they were suggested by others/wiki. I rarely use degradable stuff, but i guess I will lose some durability from those, although free deaths should prevent that during this event and has not affected me too much in the past.
28-Dec-2023 00:18:51
- Last edited on
28-Dec-2023 00:26:19
Shi No Neko