In total, more than
556 736 000
lines of HTML have been archived.
This includes specialists forums such as the HLF, Clan Leaders, and more. Similarly, for localised forums, old archived subforums have also been archived and will be made accessible in accordance with their original permissions. Please allow me time to find appropriate ways of publishing remaining specialists forums.
Starting tomorrow afternoon, after the read-only mode has been enabled, I will initiate a final parse of the forums, ensuring the archive is complete. Once final data verification has been completed, subforums will begin to become populated on the website.
I further wish to extend a thank-you to those who have reached out offering to donate and help cover costs. As much as I appreciate your support and willingness to assist, please rest assured that this will not be needed. I have allocated ~15 years of costs to the current plans and will absorb any additional costs which might be incurred. The archive is here to stay.
Conclusively, many have reached out expressing an interest in obtaining a copy of the data. I will be making general dumps available once I have finished processing and verifying everything. As the forums have been parsed using my account, I will need to remove any hidden posts from the data before publication, for instance.
The archive will be accessible at
Thank you!
Stand up for what is right, even if you stand alone
Mexk you are amazing. The words "Thank you" cannot possibly express how grateful the forum community are for your work and committment to saving these forums so they can still be read