We're in the process of creating a rank system based on points acquired. These points will be acquired by attending events, recruiting, capping and clan XP. So far we've managed to link runeclan, so our document tracks clan XP gained. The rest we're struggling to automate and struggle with commands. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please guest in 'Immolate' if you're willing to help & I'll add you!
Hi Soffles, To be honest Excel isn't really a good tool to use for this.
Google sheets are much better and work automatically, I have many pre made google sheets for players and clans to use. They are free to any one, and many clans use the points sheet you talk about.
My thread QFC : 135-136-898-65701593
(Also a link in my footer)
I can't post links to my demo's on this forum unfortunately, so I direct you to our clan offsite or my google " runescapeassistsheets" web site.
All my sheets start with " Runescape demo of" so google is usefull too.
So "Runescape demo of clan ranks by points PLUS (With Script)" you might find useful.
You could also try the Discord bots that some players are using, but I'm not a fan of the discord site myself. It expects too much private data, but many seem to like that just fine.
Best regards
Oh ps, Runeclan expects payment for downloads off his website, all my sheets only use the RS API
Clan Discord Bot
can output the data you need into a spreadsheet and you can ask the Discord members to help you with organising it as well - Highly recommend using the bot.